
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Event On the Trajectory to Full Bloom Translation Part 2/7

To the Second Anniversary!

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Others: Manager

Izumi: And so, the Company is going to have second anniversary performances!

Muku: Woah! Sounds fun!

Citron: Very good! Looking forward to the fist!

Itaru: It's a feast.

Sakyo: For the content, the plan is for each Troupe to perform a short original story and a revue similarly to the first generation.

Sakyo: Each Troupe will have to plan and compose them from scratch.

Tsumugi: Is Tsuzuru-kun going to write the scripts of all the original stories?

Tsuzuru: That's the plan, but it’s going to be tough, so I have to keep it to just one scene where the plot advances in the form of conversations.

Banri: Ah, I see… with that we don't really need stage settings, it's a nice idea.

Tasuku: A conversation-only play huh. Sounds interesting. It requires different skills from normal acting.

Muku: Do we need a shared theme for the original stories?

Izumi: Hmm, not really, but it's a fanservice based performance, so in general I think cheerful content would be good.

Tenma: Which means a comedy play.

Yuki: Isn't it favorable for us.

Banri: Well, Autumn Troupe also has experience with comedy y'know.

Taichi: We won't lose!

Omi: There there, it's not a competition…

Sakyo: There might be something for the Troupe who gets the best reviews.

Azami: Heh, then we have to win.

Juza: Gotta give it everything we have.

Kazunari: Same for us Summer Troupe!

Misumi: We will get triangle as a prize~!

Izumi: Sakyo-san, do you have something in mind?

Sakyo: I only said there "might" be something. If we tell them that they'll be more motivated.

Izumi: T-That’s a fraud…

Sakyo: It's just carrot and stick.

Tasuku: Comedy huh… what are we going to do?

Tsumugi: By the way what did the first generation do?

Manager: Let's see… there was an idols themed performance, and also a spinoff of past performance…

Manager: They were themes that weren't normally performed, so the fans were extremely happy! I was also looking forward to the anniversary performances…

Izumi: (Whenever the manager talks about the first generation, he looks so happy. He really liked them huh…)

Sakyo: Matsukawa, we're going to use the first generation performances as reference, so check if there are any videos or photos left.

Manager: Yes! Leave it to me!

Izumi: Manager, you're really motivated.

Manager: Yes, of course!

Manager: Having an anniversary performance, it feels like we're one step closer to the past MANKAI Company, it makes me happy…

Izumi: (If he has such an emotional attachment to it, we should've done it last year…)

Izumi: (But, in the first year we somehow managed to pay the debt, we didn't have time for that when we tried to get the Company back on its feet…)

Izumi: (We have new members, and we got stronger not only individually but as a Company too, so maybe we can do it precisely because it's now)

Izumi: (I'm sure that doing it this year is a good thing)

Sakuya: What will the Spring Troupe do?

Itaru: A spinoff of past performances really feels like fanservice, I think we can go with that.

Citron: Itaru, want to do KniRoun again?

Itaru: Can't deny that.

Chikage: A crossover of Oz and KniRoun might be nice.

Sakuya: Both have magic as a common point, it's a good idea!

Chikage: Well, the magic in one of them is a fraud though.

Masumi: If we say that it's because of Marlin's magic, we can do anything.

Tsuzuru: But it will be as a mix with the original story, I wonder if it's alright.

Itaru: First, we have to get permission from End Links and Hoshii-san. Of course they will supervise the script.

Tsuzuru: Right.

Tenma: A spinoff of past performances huh…

Yuki: Aren't baseball and ninjas a really bad match? They have nothing in common.

Kazunari: Ninja baseball is awesome! Sounds neat!

Misumi: We will throw shurikens instead of balls! Shushushu!

Tenma: That's way too absurd!

Yuki: And you can't hit that with a bat.

Muku: But it's an anniversary performance, so maybe it's going to be more fun if it's absurd.

Kumon: Yup! Agreed! Also, I want something cool for the revue!

Kazunari: How 'bout we all just breakdance?

Kumon: Breakdance, that's so cool!

Muku: I've never done it before, but it sounds fun!

Misumi: I wanna do it!

Tenma: Right, you feel a gap between it and our performance, it's nice.

Yuki: Are you all for real?

Omi: What about us Autumn Troupe.

Banri: A spinoff of past performances sounds good, but I'm not sure about combining zombies and kung fu…

Azami: …that's a bad combination.

Juza: It's making me sick.

Taichi: Hmm, since it's going to be conversations only, it means it's going to have only one scene. When I think about it, it becomes difficult.

Sakyo: If we use flashbacks, we can expand it to more scenes.

Banri: Then, expanding it little by little with reminiscent talk like our Portraits is great right?

Azami: A situation where you can have a reminiscent talk…

Taichi: A class reunion!

Juza: So the base scene is the class reunion, and we'll expand it with conversations about the past. Sounds nice.

Sakyo: What are we going to do about the comedy?

Azami: Ah…

Taichi: I forgot about it…!

Omi: We have to think about the revue too.

Juza: While we're at it, I wanna try something we don't usually do.

Sakyo: Things we don’t do…

Taichi: How about musical instruments?

Banri: And start practicing now? I can do anything, but it's impossible for Hyodo right. We’re never gonna make it in time.

Juza: That's not true. If it's a triangle I can do it.

Banri: No band is gonna hire you!

Azami: But well, a band is interesting right.

Omi: I'm fine as long as we don’t have to sing.

Sakyo: It fits the image of the Autumn Troupe, and it's also refreshing and has fanservice. If it's just one song we can manage.

Homare: What are your thoughts about Winter Troupe holding a recitation meeting for my poems!

Tasuku: They said we have to make an original story and a revue.

Homare: We shall simply compose music to my poems and dance to it!

Azuma: Fufu, it does have a feeling of a revue.

Hisoka: …No way.

Guy: Well, I'll not try to stop you if you say you're doing it…

Tasuku: Please do stop him.

Tsumugi: Homare-san's suggestion is interesting, but since it's a chance, I want to try something that we can use for different performances too.

Guy: Which means?

Tsumugi: Hmm… like traditional dance, or tap dance…

Tasuku: Indeed, dance moves can be useful for acting too.

Azuma: Thinking of an original story is hard too. Winter Troupe didn't have a genuine comedy play until now…

Tsumugi: But if we emphasize the comedy the audience will feel a gap, and it’s going to be educational for us.

Tasuku: Since we have the chance, we should choose a story we can never do in our regular performances.

Homare: Speaking of comedy, manzai comes to mind. We shall ask Citron-kun for his advice.

Hisoka: …I have a bad feeling about all of Alice's suggestions.


Izumi: (Seems like all Troupes have thought about a variety of ideas)

Izumi: Then, all that's left is for each Troupe to decide on your plan, so you're free for today--.

Manager: E-Excuse me--!

Izumi: ?

Manager: Will you let me be the manager of the anniversary performance…?

Izumi: You want to, manager?

Sakyo: Can you do it Matsukawa?

Manager: I-I can! I, Matsukawa Isuke, will do it even if it costs me my life!

Banri: That's going too far.

Tenma: It actually made me worried instead.

Izumi: (Honestly I'm really worried, but he looks extremely motivated…)

Izumi: --then manager, we're counting on you to do it!

Manager: Thank you very much! I'll do my best!

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