
Friday, June 8, 2018

SSR Sakuya Backstage MANKAI Birthday Translation Part 2/3

 A Pure Date with Matching Outfits!

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Alright then. Sakuya-kun, where should we go to?

Sakuya: Any where is fine with me. Just being able to go out with Director is already good enough.

Izumi: Being too considerate is not allowed. I told you I would take you to wherever you want right?

Sakuya: Hmm… ah. Then, can we go to a second hand clothes shop?

Izumi: A clothes shop?

Sakuya: It's my favorite shop and it's just around here! I haven't visited recently, so I thought about going there.

Izumi: It's fine of course. Let's go!


Sakuya: This is the place. It's cheap and they have a variety of products, so I come here from time to time.

Izumi: So there was a clothes shop here…

It's a bit distant from the main street, so it's known only to those in the know, or so it feels.

: Ahaha, you might be right.

Izumi: Ah, look Sakuya-kun! The frame of these sunglasses, it has a funny shape!

Sakuya: Woah, you're right. Stars and hearts and diamonds… there are even numbers-shaped frames!

Izumi: There're so many colors and variations too. …how is it, looking good?

Sakuya: Aahaha! As expected rainbow-color is too flashy!

Izumi: I thought there were only clothes and hats, but there’re also many types of accessories. There are so many types of clothes too…

Izumi: I know! Since we're at it, I'll choose clothes that may suit you Sakuya-kun.

Sakuya: Eh, is that alright?

Izumi: Of course!

Sakuya: Um… I would feel guilty if you're the only one choosing, so I also want to try and pick clothes that would suit Director!

Izumi: Really? Then, I'll take you up on that.


Izumi: That's what I chose!

Sakuya: Woah, so nice! Nothing less from you Director!

Izumi: Ahaha, thank you. By the way the main item here is the knitted hat. I'm certain it would fit you.

Sakuya: Ah…! I chose it too!

Izumi: Eh, really?

Sakuya: Yes. I thought it would look good on you Director… here, this one.

Izumi: You're right! Who would've thought Sakuya-kun would choose the knitted hat too…

Sakuya: Ahaha, that's a real surprise. …err, can I try on the clothes you chose for me Director?

Izumi: Of course. I'll try the clothes on too.


Sakuya: Director, it really suits you!

Izumi: You too Sakuya-kun! Just as I thought, it really suits you.

Sakuya: Ehehe, it's because you have a good fashion sense Director.

Izumi: I liked the clothes you chose for me Sakuya-kun. Since it's a chance I think I'll buy them.

Sakuya: Same here, the clothes Director chose for me are really my type… I think I'll just buy them.

Izumi: Ah, then let me buy them for you. Think of it as a birthday present!

Sakuya: Eh, but, I got a present from you earlier right?

Izumi: There isn't any rule that says you can buy only one present right?

Izumi: I want you to be happy Sakuya-kun. So it would make me happy if you don't hold back.

Sakuya: Director… thank you very much!

Izumi: Somehow changing clothes feels like a waste… I know, let's just go outside as we are!

Sakuya: Woah, that's a good idea, sounds like fun!

Izumi: Then it's decided. Excuse me, can you remove the tags for us?

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