Thursday, May 24, 2018

SSR Omi Backstage Virgin Land Cooking Translation Part 1/3

Expose It! SpikyTrue Form of the Secret Ingredient

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Character appearing:

Omi: Hmmm…

Izumi: Omi-kun, what is the complicated face for?

Omi: Ah, Director. Well, there is something…

Izumi: Did something troubling happen? If you're fine with me I'm willing to listen.

Omi: Haha, thank you. Then hear me out for a bit.

Omi: The truth is, I've looked at the ingredients everyone has found, and the ingredients containing protein are just a handful.

Omi: Since we have now more members in their growth period, with this, I'm feeling a bit uneasy.

Izumi: Now that you're saying that, you have a point…

Izumi: Hmmm… if it's protein you want then out of all things we have here, fish have it I guess. What about the share of fish the beach team has caught for us?

Omi: We do have fish, but many of them are on the small side. When cut, there is going to be left only a small part.

Izumi: I see… Ah, then, should I go searching for something?

Omi: You Director? All alone?

Izumi: Yup. I happen to be free just now. I'll go to the beach and try looking for something!

Omi: No, I’ll go with you too.

Izumi: Eh, but Omi-kun weren't you busy…

Omi: There is still time left until dinner, it's all good.

Omi: And more importantly, if something was to happen to you Director when you go alone it would be a problem.

Izumi: I think you're worrying too much but… then, I'll take you up on that.


Izumi: Once we're out of this forest there's a beach that seems good for fishing, so how about we try fishing there?

Omi: Yeah, let's do that.

Izumi: I know, while we're at it let's look for mushrooms and plants as we move!

Omi: Haha, sounds like a good idea. The guys will surely be hap… hm?

Omi: What is that?

Izumi: Omi-kun? What happened?

Omi: Well, next to that tree, there is something that looks like a stone slate…

Izumi: You're right! You think that maybe there's something written on it?

Omi: While we are at it, let's go check it out quickly.

Izumi: Yup!


Izumi: So this is a slate…

Izumi: From a far I thought it was big, but looking at it closely it is surprisingly small.

Omi: Right. But it looks like some letters are written on it…

Izumi: It's covered with dust so it's a bit hard to read. …hm? Is this, Japanese?

Omi: Looks like it. Let's see…

Omi: "This is a recipe for an extremely nourishing Golden Curry, which is handed down in this island, and can be made only in this island"

Omi: "Well then, I shall tell of this recipe, only to the people who reached this place now"

Omi: …is what it says.

Izumi: A-A recipe for Golden Curry!?

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