Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Training Camp Backstage (Camp Leader Omi) - Misoshiosa Island Translation

Hassle Boys Night! 

Characters appearing:

Summer Troupe & Autumn Troupe

Sakyo: All hands, you did well.

Azami: I'm tired…

Tenma: We worked out so much that you wouldn't think we just came back from a deserted island…

Kumon: But but, there's still one big event left for us!

Taichi: Naked bonding right!

Misumi: A bath, a bath~!

Kazunari: Alrighty then, shall we head to the long waited for onsen!


Kazunari: The water is so nice~! It's like so healing~!

Yuki: The quality might actually be nice too. Will probably turn my skin smooth.

Juza: To think we were made to work again in the Ryokan…

Banri: Well, they liked our performance though.

Muku: I didn't think such a prize would be waiting for us at the end of the training camp!

Taichi: On top of that, the Ryokan turning out to be so flashy sure was a surprise!

Tenma: …could it be, that the lack of funds was a lie, and we were meant to have the camp in the deserted island from the very beginning…

Sakyo: Who knows.

Yuki: …I hate the fact that it's totally possible.

Azami: Kazunari-san, you knew our destination was the deserted island right.

Kazunari: Yup! Since Furuche-san told me!

Tenma: You didn't object to it?

Kazunari: Eh, why? It sounded super fun, so I agreed in a flash! Being able to enjoy the simple & the unusual is the bestest!

Banri: Though it's too unexpected…

Yuki: I hate to admit, but the scenery was beautiful.

Kumon: The fish were super yummy too! I've always wanted to try grilling fish on bonfire~!

Azami: Ever since I came to this company, it's been things I've never experienced one after the other.

Omi: Well, you can't buy experience with money, it became a good memory right.

Misumi: Yup yup! It was so much fun~!

Sakyo: Geez, I can't even drink sake with all the brats around…

Omi: Haha, I will accompany you tonight. Sakyo-san you too, good work in the training camp

Kumon: Say say! Let's make it camp-like, and play cards with everyone tonight!

Misumi: Yay, let's!


Kazunari: Finally got a signal! Gotta Inste update!

Taichi: The onsen felt great right~!

Tenma: We were finally able to have a normal meal too. The meat, it was so good…

Muku: We ate a lot of fruits and fish, but we didn't have any meat.

Azami: Misumi-san, I'm telling you to dry your hair properly! You aren't taking care of your skin either right!

Azami: Geez, come here. Use this face lotion.

Misumi: Okaaay! Smear smear~.

Banri: Aw right! Daifugou*, my win~.

Juza: You fucker, don't cheat.

Banri: Who the hell was cheating!

Yuki: Fugou, second place huh. Next round I'll beat Neo Yankee, and aim for the win.

Kumon: I'm a heimin~!

Taichi: Uuh… I came last again…

Omi: Last year our training camp was in an onsen as well, but when the members are different, the atmosphere is different too.

Kazunari: Last year, it was an Autumn Troupe and Winter Troupe joint camp right~.

Tenma: We went camping last year, so this makes it an outdoor training camp two years in a row.

Yuki: Autumn Troupe and Winter Troupe camp huh… somehow, I can't really imagine it.

Taichi: In the noon, we performed in the banquet hall just like we did today, and in the night we played table tennis, and we also had a pillow fight tournament!

Muku: Pillow fight…!

Misumi: Sounds fun~!

Well, that time though Sakyo-san got crazy mad, and so it came to a closure.


Omi: T-There there.

Kumon: I want to pillow fight! Let's do it!

Kazunari: Agreed~! You say training camp, you say pillow fight! Let's give a prize to the winner too!

Azami: What prize would it be exactly?

Omi: Hmmm, something you can get only in a training camp… speaking of which they were selling a famous brand of castella in the kiosk.

Juza: Castella…

Sakyo: I will pass--.

Taichi: --you're full of openings!

Sakyo: --!

Kumon: Sakyo-san you play with us too! Think of it as a prize for us working hard in the camp!

Sakyo: Tch…

Sakyo: …I hope you are ready. Now that I am in I am not going to show mercy.

Kumon: Yay!

Kazunari: Then, let's start the Summer Troupe VS Autumn Troupe pillow fight tournament shall we!

Banri: First up are the leaders right.

Banri: Let's go, Tenma!

Tenma: Ooh!?

Tenma: --hmph, as if I'm going to be beaten so easily. If you make light of Summer Troupe, you'll get hurt. And that is because for our previous performance, we all had pitching training!

Taichi: Ah! Now that you mention it--.

Taichi: Woah!

Muku: Ahaha, I got a hit!

Taichi: Now you've done it, Mucchan! Autumn Troupe also won't lose when it comes to action!

Misumi: Catch~! It's revenge!

Omi: Oops… that was dangerous.

Juza: --!

Kazunari: Woah!? Hyodol's pillow pitching is insane!

Kumon: Nii-chan, so cool! I won't lose either~!

Yuki: You penny-pinching yakuza! Raise the budget for the costumes!

Sakyo: It has nothing to do with pillow fight!

Sakyo: --!

Sakyo: Oi, young boss! Don't attack from behind! In the first place, you're in Autumn Troupe too right.

You caught me huh. Even though I thought I could throw pillows at you as much as I want in this chaos.

Izumi: Sakyo-san, are you here? About the departure time tomorrow…

Izumi: Wait, woah!? That was dangerous!

Juza: 'm sorry, Director.

Muku: Right now, we're in the middle of a pillow fight tournament! Director-san you join us too!

Izumi: --!

Taichi: Director-sensei, over here!

Kumon: Hurry up, hurry up~!

Izumi: --alllright, I'm not going to lose!

*They're playing a card game called Daifugou, which translates to something like "multi-millionaire". The one who wins the round is called "Daifugou" and gets advantages in the next round. The Fugou is like the vice of the Daifugou and so on. Kumon probably placed in the middle so he has the Heimin title and Taichi is last, which means he's going to be the last to play next round.

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