
Monday, April 2, 2018

SSR Sakoda April First Newbie Host Backstage Part 2/3

 Welcome to Club MANKAI!

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Sakoda

Yuki: Ahahaha! Is that for real~?

Sakoda: Eh? …over there, they're having fun with only customers?

Sakyo: No, there's a host over there. Rurikawa in the middle is one.

Sakoda: Such a cutie is!?

Yuki: Ah, your bottle is empty isn't it. Let's refill it. Guys, you can still drink more right?

Customer: You bet we can~! Ah, let's order fruits too.

Yuki: Eh, is that alright? Yay, I wanted to eat some! Then~, should I feed them to you?


Sakyo: The enjoyable atmosphere like a girls night out makes the customers over stay. That’s some fine strategy.

Muku: Thank you very much for visiting our club today, my princess. Please, come here.

Muku: Your dress is wonderful today too. It suits you very well, fufu, I fell for you all over again…

Customer: T-Thank you…!

Muku: If I could just ride the pumpkin coach, and go to the ball with you, what a wonderful night it would be…

Customer: I-I will ride it!! The pumpkin coach, I will ride it…!!

Sakyo: This is the prince host who earnestly treats the customers like princesses, Sakisaka. He treats as princesses both young customers and old customers equally, so he's popular.

Sakoda: I-I see…! That's very helpful!

Kazunari: Yay!! Then, let's start~!! After me! Champagne champagne on top of our game!

Kazunari: Cheers for our meetings tonight! I love y'all princesses! Here! Here! Champagne!

Sakoda: Aaah!! That's a crazy champagne tower!? Insane!

Sakyo: The one who did the champagne call is Miyoshi. He deals with his customers straightforwardly with maxed tension. …fu, it's really the royal road for hosts. Looking at him feels good.

Kazunari: That felt gooood!! Guys--! Let's make things even hoootter!

Sakyo: By the way everyone can do that champagne call. Make sure you remember it too.

Sakoda: Eh!? Which means, you did it too Aniki…?

Sakyo: Obviously.

Sakoda: (I-I so wanna see it~~!)

Sakoda: Hm…? There're lots of customers here too… the one in the middle is…

Customer: Tenma-samaa!

Customer: Kya~, Tenma-sama, you're cool today too!

Tenma: Hmph, stuuupid. Me being cool is clear as day right? You get to drink next to the great me, you better be grateful.

Sakoda: Ugwah!? So bright!? T-This is… the aura emitting from that guy!?

Sakyo: That aura flowing from him is the cream of the crop. A big gun with a reputation of arrogantly dealing with customers, Sumeragi.

Sakyo: But, his true quintessence is from here on…

Tenma: Huh!? Y-You saw me that time? I-I wasn't really lost!

Tenma: T-The people carrying my luggage got separated from me so I had no choice but to look for them is all…!

Customer: Geez! Tenma-sama~~! That part of you is so cute~~!!

Sakyo: This gap is something natural to him… it's a weapon no one can copy.

Sakoda: So there're also moves you can never ever steal right.

Sakyo: Right. For example other than Sumeragi there's also…

Misumi: Well then, it's praying time~. For everyone, I present this miraculous Triangle.

Sakoda: W-What the heck are they doing over there? Somehow, it doesn't really feel host-like…

Misumi: Triangle, will save everything. If you believe in the Triangle, you will be saved…

Customer: Misumi-sama…! The Triangle, is splendid!!

Customer: Aah, what a beautiful triangle… I will forever believe in the Triangle…!

Sakyo: …his customer service is something you can't steal either. I don't need to explain it to you.

Sakoda: Y-Yes…

Kumon: Nii-chaaan! Nii-chan I love youuu!! Today too you're the coolest in the whole wooorld!!

Sakoda: !?

Juza: …this cake… 's good. You want some too Kumon.

Kumon: Is that okay!? Nii-chan… you're so kind…!! The kindest and manliest in the world… Nii-chan you're the best…!

Sakyo: These guys are brothers and they're working as hosts. The little brother Kumon has an extreme brother complex and he won't do anything except helping his older brother Juza.

Juza: This chocolate here, is good too…

Kumon: Huh, Nii-chan eating sweets is so refined too… even when he has chocolate around his mouth, he's too cool it's crazy…

Customer: Friendly brothers… huh, it's so healing…

Sakoda: (So there's this kinda method too… but, if that's the case then me too, I wanted to be assigned to the same table as Sakyo Aniki…)

Banri: Look at you, not even serving customers, what do you think you're doing? You daikon host.

Juza: Aaah? Whaddya want.

Sakyo: …their famous quarrel performance has started.

Customer: Kyaa~! Juza-kun and Banri-kun's performance has started!

Banri: Don't just sit there and eat without even talking, can't ya even say one interesting thing?

Juza: It's way better than talking nonstop about stupid things like you do, you straight hair bastard.

Customer: This is baddd, the way they grab each other by the chest it too sexy…!

Customer: Hah, my heart won't stop throbbing because of how intense it is…!

Sakyo: It comes to show you that there're customers who get happy when watching two men competing. Their serious glares are one of the points that makes them popular.

Banri: …keh!

Customer: Ah, Banri-kun!

Banri: Ohh, you came to see me? More like, don't you look tired?

Banri: I bet you overdid it at work again right. Geez, you have to stop playing tough…

Customer: When I thought I would get to meet Banri-kun, I ended up working hard ♪

Banri: …yeah. I'm seriously thankful.

Sakyo: He looks all smug, but being able to be tenderly considerate is his talent.

Sakyo: Even if they first come for his looks, there're many customers who can't leave because of this causal part of his.

Sakoda: I see… "tenderly, considerate", gotta write it down…

Sakoda: Let's see, the next table is…

Customer: Hey mama! Hear me out!

Customer: Mom~, ehehe. Today, I want to eat quiche~.

Customer: Goo goo~! Tell me "there there"~

Sakoda: (Eh… mom?)

…wait, he's super huge though!? What the heck about him is motherly!?

Sakyo: This is Fushimi, the one called Mom-type host because of the motherhood overflowing from him.

Omi: There there, don’t sulk alright. I'll pat your head.

Omi: You said quiche right, got it. Let's order some. I baked a lot before the club opened.

Omi: Hm? What's wrong? Were you lonely? Come here.

Customers: Mamaaa~~!!

Sakyo: He's famous for making you go back to a child in front of him.

Sakoda: G-Going back to being a child doesn't even start to… but, he's popular… amazing.

Sakoda: "Overflowing motherhood" …gotta write this one down too.

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