
Sunday, March 25, 2018

SSR Juza Backstage KEEP OUT Translation Part 3/3

 Species Crossing Bond

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Manager, Kamekichi

Izumi: That's why, let's go back together okay?

Juza: …..

Izumi: Kamekichi, here. My hand--.

Kamekichi: No~!

Izumi: Woah…!

Juza: Oi!?


Izumi: (I'm falling…!)


Izumi: ….

Izumi: (…eh? It doesn't hurt?)

Juza: …you alright?

Izumi: Ah… eh!?

Izumi: (Eh?! I'm being carried princess style!?)

You hurt anywhere?

Izumi: N-No! I'm fine! I'm alright!

Juza: Don't be so reckless. I'm putting you down.

Izumi: S-Sorry.

Izumi: (T-That surprised me… f-for now…)

CHOICE 1: Thank you

CHOICE 2: You're really strong

Kamekichi: Director, are you alright…?

Izumi: Ah…

Juza: …oi, you.

Kamekichi: W-Whaddya want. Leave me already!

Juza: Can't do that. I'm indebted to you.

Izumi: Indebted?

Kamekichi: What are you…?

Juza: Kamekichi manju.

Kamekichi: --!

Izumi: Eh? Kamekichi manju, what Manager made…?

Juza: Yeah. …if you're not there, I wouldn't be able to eat them anymore right.

Kamekichi: --!

Izumi: No, even if Kamekichi isn't there you'll still be able to eat--.

Juza: You're, a being needed for Kamekichi manju right?

Kamekichi: Juza…

Izumi: Eh? Eh?

Izumi: (Somehow the mood is getting touchy… is that friendship between men?)

Kamekichi: I'll… go back. I'll apologize to Isuke too.

Juza: Alright, let's head back.

Kamekichi: Let's move!

Izumi: Somehow… there was no need for my persuasion.

Kamekichi: That ain't true! I could feel it, your burning heart!

Juza: Oi, apologize to Director. She was about to get hurt.

Kamekichi: Director, I'm sorry!

Izumi: It's alright. Manager is worried too, so let's hurry back.


Manager: K-Kamekichi~!

Kamekichi: Isuke~!

Taichi: Such a moving reunion.

Banri: Causing troubles for everyone.

Manager: Everyone, we made you worry. Thank you for brining Kamekichi back.

Kamekichi: I caused you troubles huh!

Juza: In the end, why did you fight?

Izumi: I want to know too.

Manager: Well~. Now I don't know why I was that angry.

Kamekichi: I was immature too.

Manager: The truth is, recently I suddenly felt like making a complete image change.

Manager: So I thought about dying my hair and beard pink~ and tried consulting with Kamekichi about it.

Izumi: …excuse me?

Juza: Image change…?

Kamekichi: But with pink, he's going to overlap with me right? That's why I said I ain't gonna acknowledging it.

Manager: And it turned into a fight. Ahaha.

Izumi: It's even more ridiculous than what I imagined…!

Juza: …so stupid.

Banri: More like, choosing pink, what kinda taste do you have.

Manager: I lost myself momentarily. As I thought, I'm good the way I am after all.

Kamekichi: Really, sorry for making such a fuss! I'll thank you properly!

Izumi: …somehow, I'm suddenly tired.

Juza: …yeah.


Banri: Woah!? The hell is that!?

Taichi: The table is buried in Kamekichi manju…!


Izumi: According to the Manager, seems like it's from Kamekichi, for causing a riot the other day.

Sakyo: …oi, someone bring Matsukawa here.

Taichi: It's already so sweet and yet… there's no way we can eat this many.

Kamekichi: Juza, eat as much as you like!

Juza: …munch munch.

Taichi: He's eating before Kamekichi said anything.

Banri: I can't believe you can eat that… nothing less from Hyodo, your tongue is numb.

Juza: …munch munch.

Banri: Ignoring me again!

How is it, good right!

Juza: …yeah. It's good, Kamekichi manju.

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