Wednesday, March 21, 2018

R Tsuzuru Backstage Chom Chomp Cupcake Translation Part 2/2

Perol Choco Piling Tournament!

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Perol Choco President: "Okay, the qualifying round is over!"

Perol Choco President:
"The remaining participants will advance to the finals! Congatulations!"

Tsuzuru: Alright! I passed the qualifying round!

Izumi: Uuh, I'm sorry Tsuzuru-kun. Mine has collapsed halfway…

Tsuzuru: You bumped your arm with the person next to you so there's nothing we can do about it. Leave the rest to me.

Izumi: Y-Yeah… do your best for me too, Tsuzuru-kun!

Perol Choco President: "Sorry to keep you waiting, next we will have the finals! The time limit is 3 minutes!"

Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun, do you best! Aim for victory!

Tsuzuru: Yes!

Perol Choco President:
"Then, ready… start!"


Perol Choco President: "—alright, time is up! We will tally the results so wait for a little while!"

Tsuzuru: …phew. Somehow it didn’t collapse until the end…

Izumi: …Tsuzuru-kun, you really piled them there you know!? it's higher than my head!

Tsuzuru: Ahaha, somehow when I thought about my brothers, I could really keep my concentration.

Izumi: (A-An expected talent of Tsuzuru-kun is coming to light…)

Perol Choco President: "We've kept you waiting everyone! The one who won this year's Perol Choco Piling tournament is…"

Perol Choco President: "—Minagi Tsuzuru!"

Tsuzuru: !!

Perol Choco President: "Congratulations! The prize of 1000 Perol Choco is yours!"

Tsuzuru: I… I did it! I did it Director! I won!

Izumi: Congrats, Tsuzuru-kun!


So that's what 1000 pieces of Perol Choco look like… now that I see it, it's really an amazing amount…

Tsuzuru: Right. Thanks to that, the Minagi household will not be worried about snacks for a while.

Tsuzuru: Ah, right. Director, this Perol Choco, please take it if you like.

Izumi: Eh, is that okay? …wait, what's up with this one? The package is rainbow-colored…?

Tsuzuru: Yes. This one is called Rainbow Perol. It's a phantom flavor, there's only 1 mixed in every 1000 pieces.

Izumi: Eh!? Such a valuable thing, I can't accept it!

Tsuzuru: It's fine, it's as thanks for always helping me out! Well, as a Valentine chocolate, it might be a bit gloomy though.

Izumi: But, if it's a rare Perol Choco, even more the reason you should give it to your borthers…

Tsuzuru: No, if I bring home a flavor that there's only one piece from, the little ones will probably fight over who gets it…

Tsuzuru: For my family, the rest of the normal Perol Choco will be enough.

I see. If that's the case, I'll gladly accept it. Thank you, Tsuzuru-kun.

Tsuzuru: Yes!

Tsuzuru: Director, when you eat the Rainbow Perol, I'm sure you'll be surprised!

Izumi: Eh, what do you mean. I'm a bit scared now… what kind of flavor is that exactly?

Hmm, right…

Tsuzuru: --about that, look forward to find out when you eat it!

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