
Friday, November 3, 2017

SSR Omi Backstage Bon Appetit Pumpkin Translation Part 3/3

Pumpkin Sweets Time!

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Izumi: It's ready!

Omi: I'm done too.

Izumi: "Pumpkin curry" and "pumpkin gratin", "pumpkin soup" and "pumpkin salad"…

Izumi: Hmm- it completely became full of pumpkin stuff, but basically it's stuff that can be kept in a refrigerator or a freezer right.

Omi: Here we have "pumpkin cake", "pumpkin pudding", "pumpkin tart" and "pumpkin mousse"…

Omi: Similarly they're pre-cooked and ready, so if we revise them and heat them on the very day they'll be okay to go.

Izumi: They all look so delicious…! As expected from Omi-kun!

Omi: Director's cooking looks delicious too. With this much, everyone would be satisfied too right.

Izumi: Then, I'm going to wash the dishes. Omi-kun, can you put the food in the refrigerator and freezer?

Omi: Yeah, roger that.


Izumi: Omi-kun, are there any other dishes to wash? I'll wash them too.

Omi: Thank you, there's this tray too.

Izumi: Alright~

Omi: Hmm, what to do… well, we're at it after all…

Izumi: (…hm? Omi-kun, he's doing something over there but…)

Omi: Alright, it's done.

Omi: Director, the refrigerator was full so in order to reduce the stuff inside I took out the ice cream.

Omi: And then, I used the ice cream on a small piece of the tart as a test for an arrangement.

Izumi: Wah, ice cream as toppings. Looks good~.

Omi: If you like would you like to eat some?

Izumi: Eh, is that alright?

Omi: Of course.

Omi: Then, here. Open your mouth.

Izumi: Eh!? I-I feel bad. I'll eat it myself!

Omi: Director you have your hands full with the dishes right. If you don't hurry the ice cream will melt, here.

(Uuh, it's, it's a bit embarrassing though…!)

Izumi: T-Then… aaan.


Izumi: …! It's delicious…!

Omi: Haha, that's great!

CHOICE 1: How do you make it so delicious…

CHOICE 2: To think I'll be able to eat it first, such side benefits.

Izumi: To have such delicious desserts, and on top of it many more other cooking and sweets…

Izumi: I'm really looking forward, to eat them with everyone!

Omi: Yeah, you're right.

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