
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SR Omi Backstage Open for Business! Omi's House Translation 1/2

OMI's House Happening

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Here! Two plates of curry are ready!

Omi: The grilled corn, and the cold chuuka are ready too.

Muku: Ye~s! I'll carry them out!

Izumi: Thanks!

Kazunari: 2 curry rice, 4 grilled corn, make 'em!

Omi: Alright!

Izumi: Oka~y!

Izumi: (Fu, we're super packed and busy!)

Omi: Haha, Director's curry, is really popular!

Izumi: Since eating curry in the beach is special, see! I would be happy if I can show the customers the greatness of curry even more.

Omi: Your love for curry is really amazing.

Owner: Guys, good job! You giving me a hand here is really saving me.

Owner: I think that things will calm down soon, so two of you can take a break!

Izumi: Yes, thank you very much.

Omi: Alright, let's try our best for a bit more!


Izumi: I'm going to add a little more spice ♪ Alright, now just mixing and boiling it on a small fire.

Omi: Smells good. Nothing less from Director's special curry---

Omi: .…Ouch!

Izumi: Eh, Omi-kun!?

Omi: M-My bad, I dropped one grilled corn.

Izumi: More importantly, are you okay!? Can it be you touched the grill!?

Omi: Yeah, just a little. This much is fine. I just got a bit surprised.

Omi: We have to hurry up and grill a new corn--.

Izumi: You can't Omi-kun! You have to cool it down! Come here for a moment!

Omi: Oi, D-Director!?

Omi: There's no need to go this far. This much, is the usual after all.

Izumi: No way, Omi-kun is our important actor! Moreover the usual you say…

Omi: ….! No, when I cook, just occasionally, I guess…

Izumi: Gee… Omi-kun you're, always taking care of everyone even in the dorms and you worry about everyone--.

Izumi: But when it comes to yourself, aren't you postponing things too much?

Omi: I-Is that so… Sorry for making you worry.

Izumi: You don't have to apologize. But, I want you to let me worry about you. …your hand, I'm going to look at it okay?

Omi: …yeah.

Izumi: It's turning a bit red… I'll do the rest of the grilled corns.

Izumi: So Omi-kun you, cool your hand properly with this ice. Understood?

Omi: Understood. …sorry, Director…

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