
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SSR Omi Backstage Picture Perfect Translation Part 3/3


Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

 Characters appearing:

Others: Wolf, Zero, John.

Omi: We should be fine if we're here…

Zero: This is terrible! At this rate, Wolf will die!

Taichi: Omi-kun...

Omi: You two hide here. I'll go back to Wolf.

Zero: Eh...?

Taichi: As expected from Omi-kun! I'll go too!

Omi: No, you stay here and protect Zero. I can't take both Wolf and you on the bike.

Taichi: --but, how are you going to help him? With this many people, even if Omi-kun goes…

Omi: I don't plan on fighting them head on.

Omi: For dealing with those numbers, there's a fitting way.

Taichi: Omi-kun, just now, you had the same face as Wolf!

Omi: Hm? Is that so?

Taichi: The Mad Wolf has come back. If Wolf and the Mad Wolf are together they're the strongest!

Zero: Be careful--

Omi: I will definitely bring Wolf back.

Taichi: Omi-kun you can't die!


Wolf: ---kuh.

John: How about you give up already, and tell me Zero's location.

Wolf: ….as expected, I'm not going to last. Damn it--.

Omi: Wolf!

Wolf: --!?

Omi: Grab it!

Wolf: You--.

John: You think you can escape.

John: Quick after them!

Soldier A: Yeah!

Soldier A: ?

John: What's wrong?

Soldier A: My bike--.

Soldier B: Mine won't move either!

John: Damn it!

Wolf: What did you do?

Omi: Nothing big. It's thanks to Wolf buying time.

Wolf: saved me.

Omi: Having comrades isn't bad right.

Wolf:'re right.

John: As if I'm going to let you escape---

Wolf: !?

Omi: Hold tight!

Wolf: ...


Omi: !!

Omi: ...this is... my room...?

Omi: (Up till now, it was a dream right)

Omi: (To think I would have this kind of dream. I wonder if I got a little emotional, after "Stranger" has ended…)

Omi: (Wolf, I hope he and Zero were able meet up safely)

Omi: (Wait, it's a dream. It's no use worrying about it)

Taichi: Omi-kun! Wolf!

Omi: ?

Taichi: Ha!

Taichi: Hm!? Hm!?

Omi: Taichi? What's wrong?

Taichi: Just now, I was about to have a breathtaking battle with John in the wasteland---

Omi: Eh?

Taichi: No, a dream… seems like I had one.

Taichi: A dream where Omi-kun and I were together in the world of "Stranger"… We were going to travel together with Wolf and Zero.

Omi: How surprising. I was having the same dream.

Taichi: For real!?

Omi: Yeah. So there are mysterious things like that too.

Taichi: …I wanted to see how it continues just a little more.

Omi: You're right...

Taichi: Zero-chan too, I wanted to get friendlier with her…!

Omi: Eh? You, no way...?

Omi: I see… this is… well… you have the same face, I feel it might be too twisted but…

Taichi: Eh!? Y-You're wrong! I didn't mean it in a romantic way!

Omi: No, don't mind it. Love is one's freedom after all…

Taichi: You're wrong! Please don't say it as though I'm a narcissist! It's just, she just looks a little like my first love--!

Omi: It's alright. I won't tell anyone.

Taichi: It's a misunderstanding---!

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