
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SR Omi Backstage Open for Business! Omi's House Translation 2/2

OMI's House Happening

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Fu~. Finally a break. Things were so busy~.

Omi: Yeah, you're right…

Izumi: ….? Omi-kun, is something wrong?

Omi: No. …sorry about what happened earlier, with me getting burnt.

Omi: Next time I'll be careful, and I'll make sure to cool it down properly.

Izumi: If you understand it then it's good enough. I know, show me the place you cooled down earlier.

Omi: Yeah. It doesn’t hurt anymore.

Izumi: Good, it's still a bit red, but seems like it won't leave a scar.

Omi: Really, I'm sorry. It's true that I may tend to treat myself carelessly….

Omi: I too am a member of the Company. Once again I thought, that I have to take care of myself properly.

Izumi: Yup. Everyone from the Company, they too must be thinking that they want you to treasure yourself, Omi-kun.

Omi: And also… thinking something like that might be imprudent but

Omi: Earlier when I got treated by you Director, even while reflecting on my actions, I thought it was refreshing.

Izumi: Eh…?

Omi: Our family has only guys, and I'm the eldest son, see. Being treated like that, it wasn't something that really happened.

Izumi: (I see. It's to the extent he got nicknamed Mother in the dorms after all)

Omi: I can't thank you enough. After that, you even grilled the corns for me.

Omi: .….ah, I know. Director, wait here for a moment.

Izumi: ….? Okay.


Omi: Sorry for the wait. …here.

Izumi: Eh, what's with this grilled corn!

Omi: Earlier, I caused you troubles. So I just grilled two corns real fast.

Izumi: Oh, you shouldn't have worried about it.

Omi: Don't say that and eat. However, I grilled them secretly so keep it a secret from everyone okay?

Izumi: Ahaha. Well I'll eat then. Thank you, Omi-kun.

Izumi: …yup, it's delicious! It smells sweet, and it's grilled just to the right level! As expected from Omi-kun!

Omi: That's good. Haha, Director, you're eating like it's really tasty huh.

Izumi: Because it really is tasty. If it's Omi-kun's cooking, everything is delicious though.

Omi: You saying that makes me happy. I also like Director's cooking you know?

CHOICE 1:Should we think about a collaboration menu next time

CHOICE 2:You're good at complimenting~

Izumi: Fu, thanks for the food. My stomach is full and I received new energies!

Omi: Yeah, me too. I got rid of my tiredness after talking with Director too.

Izumi: Then, let's do our best until it's time to close! Let's make things even more exciting in this beach house!

Omi: You said it!

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