
Wednesday, December 21, 2022

SSR Sebek Dorm Uniform Translation 2/3

 No Time to Whine!!!

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3


Sebek: It is a shame Malleus-sama couldn't join us for lunch today.

Lilia: Indeed. I went to check on him, seems like his class got dragged on.

Sebek: I see… As I thought, the third years are extremely busy.

Lilia: Oh? This expression of yours while waiting for Malleus… it brings back memories.

Sebek: Eh?

Lilia: I think… It was when we returned to Briar Valley in our first year in NRC.

Lilia: You were waiting with the same expression you’re having now, and in the end you cried happily.

Sebek: B-Back then I started crying because of Malleus-sama’s warm words… how embarrassing.

Sebek: I still remember clearly the words the Young Lord told me when he came back to Briar Valley.

Sebek: “You should just attend Night Raven College too”, it deeply moved me.

Sebek: His kind consideration towards his subjects… as expected from the Young Lord!

Silver: You were able to enroll here and on top of that you’re in the same Dorm as Malleus-sama, I’m happy for you Sebek.

Sebek: Yeah. Well, I believed it was impossible for me to be in a different Dorm than the Young Lord!

Sebek: …Oh, my next class is PE. I have to change clothes.

Sebek: I’ll be taking my leave. I’m glad I could talk with you, Lilia-sama!

Sebek: Silver, don’t fall asleep on your next class. …Well then.

Silver: …I thought that after his enrolment here his attitude towards others would change, but…

Silver: As always, seems like he doesn’t intend on deepening his friendship with people outside Briar Valley.

Lilia: Hm… Sebek is strict both with himself and with others.

Lilia: I’m afraid he cannot match with the people around him.

Silver: Thinking of which, ever since Malleus-sama and Father enrolled in Night Raven College…

Silver: Sebek’s training became even more severe.

Lilia: Is that true? Back then I was busy with school life so I couldn't quite keep my eyes on you.

Silver: Even when my enrollment was decided, he congratulated me and said “Don’t trouble the Young Lord”, but…

Silver: For a good time, he stared at my acceptance letter with a stern expression, like the one he does in his training.

Lilia: Hmm… that is reasonable.

Lilia: That one year we went to Night Raven College and Sebek waited for his enrolment…

Lilia: He wouldn’t say it out loud, but he must have felt uneasiness deep inside.

Silver: Uneasiness?

Lilia: In order to be accepted to Night Raven College, a sense for magic is absolutely essential.

Lilia: However Sebek was a late bloomer, right?

Lilia: He must have been worried he wasn’t worthy enough a mage to be accepted.

Lilia: He is a calm and clever child. …Though except when it comes to Malleus.

Lilia: Surely he could evaluate his own magical power objectively.

Silver: …Thinking of which, he was quite shocked when I was able to use magic first.

Lilia: Kufufu, he was indeed. Sebek was so depressed, it was difficult to comfort him!

Silver: Fufu, it brings back memories.

Lilia: …Even if he got a late start as a mage, Sebek was able to compensate for it with knowledge and strength, and he kept enhancing his magic skills.

Lilia: His daily training has led him to Night Raven College.

Lilia: There are few who can keep putting effort so earnestly like this. Sebek’s conviction is that powerful.

Silver: That’s right. I’m also learning a lot from how he never gives up.

Lilia: Indeed. This is Sebek’s strong point, and I hope it gets across to his classmates.

Lilia: …Well, this is also a lesson. We should not say anything unnecessary and just watch over him.

Silver: Yes.

Lilia: It is also more entertaining like this!

Silver: Father…


Coliseum - Field

Defense Magic Joint Class Third Class

Deuce: Starting today we’ll be wearing for class our magic-resistant Dorm Uniform… somehow it’s making me fired up.

Ace: Really? We’re wearing our Dorm Uniform everyday, doesn't make me feel any differen-

???: WHY!!!

Deuce: …I feel like something similar happened in our first joint class too…

Sebek: I cannot accept it!

Classmate A & B: We firmly oppose!

Ace: Oh man, Sebek’s team is quarreling again.

Deuce: But looks like this time Sebek’s teammates are complaining too.

Sebek: This time for the group presentation… “would take into account the team’s cooperation in order to pass”!?

Sebek: With this even if I clear the assignment by myself I would not pass…

Sebek: Group project is so annoying!

Classmate A: If we fail we aren;t allowed to participate in club activities for a whole week!? The captain would get so mad!

Classmate B: Same, we have a match coming and if I skip practice for such a reason, I don’t want to imagine what Kingscholar-senpai would do to me…


Deuce: They became quiet all of a sudden.

Ace: They glare at each other in silence. The mood was the worst in the previous joint class too, i really don’t wanna get anywhere near there.

Sebek: …We have no choice. This time I would let you play a part too.

Classmate B: The way you said it!

Classmate A: In the first place, we ended up in this situation because you called us a burden and said you’ll do it alone!

Sebek: You also left everything to me so you can take it easy!

Classmate A & B: Ugh…

Sebek: I am also unwilling to accept the help of a human. But if it’s for the Young Lord I cannot be picky.

Sebek: In that regard, we are in the same boat right?

Classmate A: …It’s irritating, but Sebek is right. We have to work together.

Classmate B: I got it. But if we’re gonna work as a team, you should correct this self-important attitude of yours!

Sebek: Hmph!!! I guess I shall compromise!!!

Classmate B: It’s a lost cause

Classmate A: The presentation is tomorrow you know? Can we even pass with this messed team and without practice…?

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