Wednesday, December 21, 2022

SSR Sebek Dorm Uniform Translation 3/3


 No Time to Whine!!!

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Coliseum - Field

The Next Day Defensive Magic Joint Class Fourth Class

Sebek: It is our turn soon.

Sebek: Are you ready, humans!?

Classmate A & B: Yeah…

Sebek: Your voice is too small, humans!!

Classmate A: The volume of our voice doesn’t matter… It’s not a problem that can be solved with spirit anyway.

Classmate B: I don’t feel like we can pass this assignment while cooperating with you.

Sebek: You truly lack ambition. With this you wouldn’t be able to win winnable battles.

Sebek: You remember the magic we decided you should use, right?

Classmate A: I will use water, and he will use fire. We’re gonna use the magic we specialize in right? We remember this much.

Classmate A: …But was it really okay to let use choose the magic we use first?

Classmate B: We gotta use 3 different types of magic, so Sebek would have to use a different kind right?

Classmate B: This way you couldn’t choose the magic you specialize at like we did…

Sebek: I do not mind. I practice daily a wide variety of magic!

Sebek: And I understand well that… you cannot overcome the things you are bad at in one night.

Sebek: In order to pass the assignment, you should use your strong points.

Classmate A: I- I see…

Classmate B: You’re still self-important, but you say sensible things…

Sebek: Then… let us move!


Classmate A: O water, engulf that doll and stop its movements!

Classmate A: Ugh, it’s moving faster than I thought, my magic won’t hit it!

Classmate B: Same here. It won’t even scratch it.

Sebek: That doll, it is faster than I imagined, and its movements are just like a person’s… it’s an interesting training!

Classmate A & B: ….

Sebek: Hey you, what are you standing still for. One more time! Do not stop until you hit the target!

Classmate B: But… we don’t have much time left, isn't it impossible to clear the assignment at this point?

Classmate A: I guess it wasn’t gonna work with such an improvised team…


Classmate B: Woah?! You startled me…

Classmate A: You’re so loud!

Sebek: Hmph. You were blown away by the wind of cowardice, so I simply cleared it away.

Sebek: No matter if the goal seems impossible, as long as you do not give up a way out will surely appear.

Sebek: To stop trying just because it didn’t go well a few times, how pathetic.

Sebek: Is that what your resolution is worth? You don’t have any pride as students of Night Rave College?

Sebek: What can you do if you cannot even believe in yourself!

Classmate A: Sebek… what a guy…

Sebek: For my dear, dear Young Lord, I just have to pass this assignment…

Sebek: In other words luckily for you you would also be working for Malleus-sama.

Sebek: Feel free to give up or fall down, but do it after your service! For Malleus-sama, that is!

Classmate A: Sebek, what a guy!!

Classmate B: In the end it’s just for you and for Draconia-senpai!!

Sebek: Hm, seems like your spirit is back.

Classmate B: Eh? You’re right… I feel like now that I yelled I feel a bit better.

Classmate A: I can’t let it end with Sebek making a fool of me… I’ll do it! Here!!

Ace: Woah, Sebek’s team suddenly became all spirited. Is that their plan?

Deuce: But they just fire their magic recklessly and don’t hit the doll. What are they planning?

Ace: No idea, are they planning to force it with sheer spirit?

Ace: Well… No matter what magic Sebek uses, just firing it recklessly would lead nowhere.

Sebek: …Alright, the morale of the team is getting higher. It is the most important thing in a battle.

Sebek: We cannot pass this opportunity. We need the winning move here…

Sebek: …Over there!

Sebek: Hey, human! Hit your fire magic at that puddle over there!

Classmate A: A puddle.. From the hit I missed earlier?

Classmate B: I’m slowly getting used to Sebek ordering me around… I should just do it right? Here!!

Ace: Uwah, look at that steam! Everything is white, I can’t see anything…

Sebek: Alright, now is our chance!

Sebek: If you imitate a person so well, then just like a person you cannot move well when your vision is stolen.

Sebek: It was quite an interesting training but…

Sebek: The fact the target was not just any target but person-shaped was actually fortunate for me.

Sebek: If it was a test of pure magical power I might have struggled a bit… but I am confident in my combat abilities against people!

Sebek: For Malleus-sama, I’ll have you die here!

Sebek: TAKE THIS!!!

Ace: Woah, Sebek got a direct hit with his magic… and the doll broke! Don’t tell me he was waiting for a chance this whole time?

Deuce: Isn’t Sebek the first to break the target with one hit? Well done…!


Sebek: Then, I will now read the review the teacher wrote for our team.

Classmate A & B: Gulp…

Sebek: “...There were some problems with the speed and control of the magic, but the mental strength you showed in the later part was wonderful”

Sebek: “Like the assignment requested, each member of the team used a different type of magic, and you destroyed the target…”

Sebek: “So you pass”

Classmate A & B: Y…Yay!!!


Sebek: We couldn’t get full marks… me included, we still have place to improve.

Classmate A: We’re happy and yet you’re complaining? You really can’t read the room.

Classmate A: But well… to be honest, your words gave me power. Both in a good way and a bad way.

Classmate A: Thanks,

Classmate B: Right. I think I understand now why you always speak so loudly, Sebek.

Sebek: …I see. You too worked well this time.

Sebek: You showed me your willpower. You did well for humans.

Classmate A: It feels wrong to hear Sebek being so honest…

Sebek: In the first place, if I was alone I would be able to clear this assignment in half the time.

Classmate B: Huh!? We were just talking about how we passed this assignment because we joined strength!

Sebek: Huh? I didn’t say anything about that. You working hard and my strength are two different things.

Sebek: This time I just obeyed the requirements of the assignment. I could’ve done it alone, without relying on humans!

Classmate A: I think I’m starting to regret thanking him…

Classmate B: Sebek! You really should do something about that attitude of yours!



Same Day, After School

Sebek: Young Lord, today I shall be guarding you alone.

Sebek: I will do my absolute best!

Malleus: Right.

Malleus: …Speaking of which, I heard that today you succeeded in your assignment in your joint Defensive Magic class.

Sebek: Eh! H-How do you know about that, Young Lord?

Malleus: I met Lilia and Silver before coming here. They told me about it.

Malleus: You really grew, Sebek.

Sebek: M-Malleus-sama…!

Sebek: …Do not mention it. This is truly nothing.

Sebek: I, Sebek, if it’s for Malleus-sama… I’ll keep devoting myself!

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