Enjoy From The Depth of my Heart
Cater: …Silver-kun, Jamil-kun. In most cases you have no time to prepare yourselves.
Jamil & Silver: Eh?
Cater: Farewells often come out of the blue.
Silver: Is that… really the case. I've never experienced it before so…
Cater: I was born to a family who moves a lot for their job, you know. I've moved houses tons of time since I was just a tiny child.
Cater: Just as I made friends at a new school, they were like "we're moving next month".
Silver: Moving huh… I've never experienced it before.
Cater: You haven't even moved anywhere inside the Valley of Thorns?
Silver: Right. I've always been living in a house in the forest with my father.
Silver: Sometimes Malleus-same and Sebek came to visit but…
Silver: Other than them I've only interacted with the animals in the forest. Since I didn’t go to school in the Valley of Thorns, I was home-schooled.
Jamil: I see. Even going to school is a first for you. I've also never moved, but…
Jamil: Since I enrolled in Night Raven College, I lost contact with all my middle school friends.
Jamil: So that means you’ve never experienced even such mundane "farewells".
Silver: …I see.
Silver: Once Cater-senpai graduates, we wouldn't be able to meet and talk casually like this.
Silver: Once I graduate and go back to my homeland, I won't be able to meet with Jamil and Kalim and my other school friends just as easy as that…
Silver: It still didn’t sink in, but I'm certain that is a cruel, lonely thing.
Silver: …Cater-senpai. What frame of mind should I keep in my school life from here on?
Cater: Hmmm… in my case, I could never know when my parents would decide to move again so…
Cater: "Rather than the future, I better spend the present happily!" is what I am aiming to do.
Cater: Rather than thinking I might part with everyone soon and spending my time worrying about it…
Cater: I can make better memories having fun, hanging out together and eating yummy food together.
Cater: If I just sigh thinking about the future, the "now" would be a waste.
Silver: Cater-senpai…
Silver: I'm happy I could speak with you.
Cater: Eh, what's going on? What happened?
Silver: Rather than grieving about the future, I must treasure the "present" I spend with Lilia-senapi, Malleus-sama and my school friends.
Silver: It's thanks to you that I was able to realize such an important thing.
Cater: Err… you're welcome, I guess?
Silver: I can't keep this up. Lilia-senpai and Malleus-sama spent strenuous effort for this Halloween party.
Silver: I shouldn't just view it, I must enjoy this night from the depths of my heart.
Silver: Cater-senpai, and also Jamil… thank you for listening to me. I'll be taking my leave.
Cater: I don't really get it but… looks like Silver-kun feels better now?
Jamil: Indeed. Thanks to Cater-senpai's thoughtfulness.
Jamil: That aside… that guy surprisingly also has a sensitive side to him.
Jamil: I had the impression he's just spacing out… no, that he's the type who won't weaver no matter what happens.

Jamil: On top of it, while we were traveling he startled the ghosts with such vigor… he surprises you in many ways.
Silver: Here they are…! Fathe… Lilia-senpai, Malleus-sama!!
Lilia: Oh, Silver! What are you in such a hurry for?
Silver: I wish to dance with the two of you. Would you accompany me for one song?
Lilia: Of course! Right, Malleus?
Malleus: Sure. Not just one song, we shall dance until dawn.
Silver: …Yes!
Thank you for translating this. I love this card it's sad but at the same time soft 💕