
Monday, August 24, 2020

SR Tasuku Trajectory of Blooming Backstage Translation Part 2/2

Changed Feelings

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: (It's been a while since he let me ride the bike with him, and as I remembered it really gets my tension up…!)

Izumi: Tasuku-san! Have you been riding from time to time?

Tasuku: Yeah, from time to time. Once I got used to it I stopped caring what others think.

Izumi: You have a point, it's all about the experience!

Tasuku: Do you still have time?

Izumi: Yes! Thanks to you Tauku-san I'll make it in time. Thank you so much…!


Tasuku: Oh, Director. I bought it.

Izumi: You bought it… bought what exactly?

Tasuku: Here, open it.

Izumi: It's a women’s helmet! You really went and bought it…!?

Tasuku: It's better to have one in case something happens again, like last time.

Izumi: Thank you very much…!

Tasuku: …and also.

Tasuku: It's been one year since the reborn MANKAI Company was formed right.

Tasuku: As thanks, I'll take you anywhere you like with the bike.

Izumi: Is that okay?

Tasuku: I'm telling you it's fine. I'll go start the motorbike now, so wear this and wait.

Izumi: Yes!

Izumi: (That's a plain pink helmet. ….Tasuku-san, can it be…)


Tasuku: And in the end we came to the beach.

Izumi: Ahaha… I couldn’t think of anywhere else.

Tasuku: I feel like we've been coming here often recently.

Izumi: Right. But every time you come to the beach you see different scenery, so I like it.

Tasuku: Well, I don't dislike it either I guess.

Tasuku: …it's the first anniversary of MANKAI Company huh.

Tasuku: When I first joined the Company, I honestly didn’t know what would become of it, but now I'm happy that I joined.

Izumi: I'm glad I could hear you say that.

Izumi: I'll be in your care from now on too, Tasuku-san.

Tasuku: Yeah, same here.

We've really been to many places together

CHOICE 2: I want to see more of Tasuku-san's acting

Izumi: By the way, there was something I wanted to ask…

Izumi: Why did you choose a pink helmet?

Tasuku: ??? Since you're a girl, pink is the reasonable choice right.

Izumi: I- I see…

Izumi: (As I thought, Tasuku-san is the type who thinks girls only love pink...!)

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