
Thursday, June 4, 2020

SR Silver Summoning Robes Translation Part 1/2

I Want to Repay the Debt

Part 1 / Part 2


Idia: Ahh~ this sucks. How come the Magic Shift Tournament is aired on TV? 

Idia: My face appearing on TV is no less than humiliation play. I must avoid it no matter what…

Idia: It's 19:00 now… the school shop should still be open.

Idia: I have no choice but to buy a mask and hide my face with it all day tomorrow…!


Idia: Eeek!? S-s-s-s-something moved just now—

Silver: Who is it!? State your name at once!

Idia: Eeek!? I-I-I-I-I'm not anyone s-s-s-suspicious…!

Idia: I-I'm Idia Shroud… from I-I-I-Ignihyde Dorm!!!

Idia: So, p-please put down that baton you're holding there…!

Silver: Ah… it's you Idia-senpai. So that means you're not anyone suspicious.

Idia: I-I think that someone who suddenly jumps from the bushes holding a baton is way more suspicious though…

Silver: So, why are you wandering around here at this hour. Normally it's around time everyone eats dinner at their Dorms.

Idia: I-I was just on my way to buy a mask…

Silver: Are you going to use it for a mechanical engineering experiment?

Idia: Ugh… What about you, w-w-why are you walking around wearing your summoning robes…!

Silver: This outfit is the most fitting for concealing oneself in the darkness.

Silver: It lacks on the mobility, but due to some circumstances I don't have my dorm uniform now.

Idia: Eh… Eh? How come you're using your stealth move set?

Idia: M-Mr. Silver, are you perhaps a ninja or something?

Silver: Hm…. what is a ninja?

Idia: They're individuals who are rumored to be living in a faraway kingdom to the east, they gather intelligence and do dirty jobs in covert operations.

Idia: Have you never heard about a shuriken, or katon jutsu?

Idia: Anime series were made about them and it's a classic job in games along with samurai!

Silver: Idia-senpai… you became very talkative all of a sudden.

Idia: Ah… real sorry for all the weeb knowledge dropping…

Silver: I understood your explanation… however, unfortunately I'm not that ninja person you're talking about.

Idia: W-When you deny that with such a serious face it's embarrassing for me you know…

Idia: So… Mr. Silver, for what purpose are you wandering in the courtyard at night…?

Silver: Tomorrow it's the Magic Shift Tournament. A large, varied crowd from simple people to VIP gathers in our school.

Silver: I was patrolling to make sure assassins didn't take advantage of the bustle to slip inside.

Silver: If something happens to Malleus-sama it would be a serious incident.

Idia: You're exaggerating! On top of that Mr. Malleus is so strong he must be using cheats, aren't you too overprotective?

Silver: The Malleus-sama I'm serving will one day become the king of the fairies, and rule over the Valley of Thrones.

Silver: Even before he came here, guards accompanied him whenever he as much as stepped out of the castle.

Idia: Hmm…

Silver: If by any chance something happens to Malleus-sama, it might turn into an international problem.

Silver: It's not by any means over protectiveness.

Idia: W-w-what's up with that, this story is too over the top…

Idia: Assassins and international problems, I've only ever heard of them in games you know…?

Silver: It's not a game. This is our reality.

Idia: A-a-a-a-a-amazing…! I also wanna try and say that line all cool like you…!

Silver: …? If you want to say it I think you should just go ahead and say it.

Idia: No, it sounds decent because you said it, Mr. Silver, if I was to say that line it would just end up with a (lol).

Silver: I see… I don't really get it, but my bad.

Silver: Then I'll go back to my guard duty. Be careful as to not to be mistaken for someone suspicious.

Silver: Right now, Sebek and Lilia-senpai are patrolling the school just like me.

Idia: R-Roger… I'll take your example and use my stealth moves too. S-See you.

Silver: Yeah, see you.

Silver: …I'll meet up with Sebek and Lilia-senapi and tell them that Idia-senapi is wandering around the courtyard.

Silver: If Sebek ends up meeting him accidentally it would become a pain in the neck.

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