
Monday, July 8, 2019

SSR Omi Backstage Now It's a Dear Shadow Translation Part 3/3

What Sleeps on the Tape

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Omi: Let's just get to it.

Izumi: From what time are those tapes?

Omi: My dad's handwriting is so messy, I can't read the label…

Izumi: Ah, it's starting. There's a cake so maybe it's a birthday party?

Omi: No, there's also a tree. It's Christmas.

Izumi: Ah! Is that you Omi-kun?

Omi: …correct.

Izumi: It's so refreshing seeing such a tiny Omi-kun!

Omi: It's not like I've always been this big. It's probably from when I was in third grade.

Izumi: Heh~.

(His body is so much smaller but… the kind eyes are the same)

Gaku: "Why! Give it back!"

"Don't wanna!"

Omi: "Stop it you two"

Are those two your brothers?

Omi: Yeah. The bigger one is Kai, three years younger than me, and the other one is Gaku, five years younger.

Omi: Maybe it's because their ages are closer to each other, they used to always get into fights.

Izumi: You've been used to stopping fights ever since that time huh.

Omi: They wouldn't listen if I told them to stop, so I used pro-wrestling moves on the one who started the fight.

Izumi: Haha, how dynamic. Typical boys for you.

Omi: Things aren't much different now.

Izumi: You might be right.

Izumi: (Juza-kun and Banri-kun used to fight often in their first performance, I guess for Omi-kun it was the same as dealing with his brothers)

Omi's Father: "Woah"

Kai: ""Aah! You spilt my juice~!"

Gaku: "What are you doing"

Omi's Father: "I'm sorry"

Izumi: Is that your father?

Omi: Yeah, he looks much younger here. He has always been clumsy.

Izumi: (Which means, then one who is filming is…)

Omi: "Mom, let's switch!"

Omi's Mother: "Don't drop it okay?"

Omi: "It's alright"

Izumi: --.

Izumi: (Omi's mother, who died when he was in elementary school…)

Omi: …that's nostalgic. It feels sad but warm… a complicated feeling. A video of someone who has passed away is a strange thing.

Omi: It's the same with photographs. They remind us that this person was indeed there at that time and place, laughing together with us.

Izumi: Yeah, it's a wonderful thing.

Omi's Father: "Omi how about you open your present"

Omi: "Yeah!"

Omi's Father: "Here, I'll film"

Omi's Mother: "Are you okay?"

Omi: Haha, it's really blurry.

Izumi: It started the moment it switched to your father right.

Omi: My dad is like this, so I have to take pictures and videos of my brothers.

Izumi: Right. They'll be happy when they see them in the future.

Omi: But well, first comes the guys from the Company. My brothers will get angry if I don't use all the tape.

Izumi: Seems like it's going to become a long documentary.

Omi: A documentary huh… maybe I should prepare questions, and try to film interviews.

Izumi: Sounds interesting!

Omi: Questions like the reason they joined the theater, or their current aspirations.

Izumi: Maybe you should also ask about their most memorable performance, or even inside stories.

Omi: Maybe we will even get to hear stories no one else knows.

Izumi: Yup yup.

Izumi: It might be too early to say that, but it would be nice if someday we can watch it, and think how nostalgic it is.

Omi: You're right.

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