
Monday, July 8, 2019

SSR Omi Backstage Now It's a Dear Shadow Translation Part 1/3

What Sleeps on the Tape

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Omi's father, Omi's brothers (Kai and Gaku*)

Omi's Father: Hm, it's good.

Gaku: As always big bro Omi's miso soup is the best~.

Kai: Even though we use the same miso why is it still different.

Omi: Maybe it's the way you handle the broth. I taught you before right.

Kai: It's a pain so I'm using a broth pack. But after all this one is undeniably better.

Gaku: Big bro Omi, come back home already.

Omi: What are you talking about. If it's just for the miso soup I can come any time to make you some.

Omi: Also, you became a good cook, Kai. Just until not long ago you couldn't even hold a knife properly.

Kai: Well, I've always had a better potential to be a good cook than dad had.

Omi's Father: …I'm ashamed.

Gaku: Dad, you're seriously so clumsy. When you cook we don't know what's gonna end inside the dish.

Kai: You might find inside a plate or something.

Omi: A plate… that's going too far right.

Gaku: The other day there was a spoon inside.

Kai: There sure was.

Omi: For real?

Omi's Father: …haha. You two work hard on house chores, and I'll work just as hard to earn money.

Please do.

Omi: How is school for you two?

Kai: I'm having fun at the university rugby club. It's more professional than the high school one, and my upperclassmen are all nice.

Omi: I see.

Kai: Sometimes I use big bro Omi's recipes to make them food, and when I do they compliment me like crazy.

Omi: I'll teach you more stuff next time

Kai: Yeah.

Omi: And you Gaku? How is it going in the boxing club?

Gaku: Training is as tough as always, but since I have underclassmen now I'm pretty fired up.

Omi: Speaking of which, you've really gotten yourself muscular. You're moving better too.

Gaku: I know right. I might be able to beat you soon.

Omi: Haha, you're right.

Kai: It's still impossible right. Body weight wise.

Gaku: I can close the gap in no time

Omi: Well, you're an 8th grader, it must be tough with exams coming up, but do your best.


Kai: By the way, dad dug this up from somewhere to help Gaku with his form check, you remember it big bro Omi?

Omi: Ah, that sure is nostalgic. We used it a lot when we were children.

Gaku: No one uses video cameras nowadays. You just use your phone.

Omi: Right. If it's just taking videos you can use a single lens camera like mine, or just your phone.

Omi's Father:
Is that so? There's still empty tape left though. We don't have many opportunities to use it huh.

Omi: It was grandfather's right.

Omi's Father: Right. Even before you were born, it really served us well.

Kai: We watched some old videos taken with it, but because of dad they're all blurry.

Omi's Father: It can't be helped right. I'm bad with this stuff.

Gaku: With this stuff too you mean.

Omi's Father: Even if we do save the old tapes, we will throw away the camera, though it's a shame…

Omi: …That's a bit sad.

Kai: Big bro Omi, how about you use it for your theater?

Omi's Father: Ah, that's an idea. Can't you use it as a prop?

Omi: Hmm, I wonder about that…

Gaku: I want to see the theater and the dorms, so go film something for us. We have some tapes left anyway.

Kai: I want to see the Director~.

Gaku: Me too, me too.

Omi: …guess I have no choice. I'll ask if it's okay.

Omi's Father: We have to do something with the old tapes too. Seems like it's not good to leave them like that, the quality drops with time and you wouldn't be able to watch it anymore.

Omi's Father:
A coworker told me it's better to convert it to video data or something.

Omi: Someone from the Company is knowledgeable about this stuff, so I'll ask them.

Omi's Father: Please do.

* The kanji used for the names of Omi's brothers are 開 and 岳, you can read them in a few ways, so the reading might change once we get official info about them.

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