Friday, February 15, 2019

SR Juza Backstage Clumsy Chocolate Translation Part 2/2


Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing: 

Juza: Sorry, but no can do.

Mother: Why? My daughter says she wants you. I'll pay any amount you want.

Girl: Right! There's no such thing as something I want and can't receive!

Juza: AAh?

Girl: !

Juza: …are you serious.

Girl: W-What is your problem…!

Juza: Listen, you can't buy people's hearts with money.

Izumi: (Juza-kun is talking to that girl eye to eye…)

Juza: If you want me, then come up with something other than money.


Girl: Hey mama, buy me that bear shaped chocolate.

Mother: Are you fine with just that?

Girl: Yes.

Mother: Then, give me all of those bear chocolates.

Izumi: All of them!?

Girl: I don't need all of them.

Mother: Eh…?

Girl: One is enough.

Mother: Really…? I'll take one then.

Juza: It's 800 yen.

Girl: …I'll give you this chocolate.

Juza: --.

Girl: That's all for now. Someday, I'll obtain you for sure.

Juza: Hmph, bring it.


Juza: Sorry for getting you to help me in the end.

Izumi: It's fine. I got chocolates as thanks, and I was happy to be able to talk again to the owner.

Izumi: Anyway, I got chills when that girl said she wants the bear…

CHOICE 1: Nothing less from a big brother

CHOICE 2: She was such a cute girl though

Juza: Back then, I was honestly surprised when she said she wants me, but I think that I would've answered the same even if it was someone else.

Juza: Because right now, there's nowhere else for me except the Company.

Izumi: Juza-kun…

Juza: But, I'll eat the chocolate I received. It's the best chocolate in this wagon. She's got a good taste.

Izumi: (…seems like he didn't get that girl's feelings)

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