
Sunday, October 21, 2018

R Omi Backstage Rehearsal Translation Part 2/2

Femininity MAX

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: It's starting to smell real good…! How many minutes until it's ready?

Omi: Director, you're too restless.

Izumi: And you're too calm Omi-kun! Even though it smells so good…!

Omi: Haha. The students will be back from school soon, so it'll be ready just in time.

Izumi: Ah, it's already this late! Hmm… is this quantity going to be enough…?


Taichi: Woah, what're those!? Such fancy sweets!

Izumi: Hehe, amazing right. I baked canele together with Omi-kun. Saying that, I mostly did the measuring.

Yuki: It's amazing how you can sound so smug when that's all you did.

Taichi: But but, they look so good!

Muku: Woah, such a nice smell!

Juza: Canele…

Banri: Hyodo, your eyes are scary.

Omi: There're still more, so go on and eat.

Yuki: I'll take you up on that then.

Taichi: Munch munch… umm~, it's like my mouth is melting~!

Muku: They're really just like sweets you buy in the store…!

Yuki: As expected from Mom. They're not bad.

Izumi: Yuki-kun, I baked them too!

Yuki: Sure sure.

Juza: …I'll have some.

Juza: …!?

Izumi: How is it?

Juza: --munch munch.

Banri: Hey, don't eat on and on silently!

Juza: …they're good.

Omi: And there you have it. That's great right, Director.

Izumi: Measuring everything flawlessly was worth it…!

Omi: Haha. If you don't mind, help me again sometime.

Izumi: Eh, really? I can't do complicated things though…

Omi: You can just learn them. And also, baking while talking with you Director, felt like we're a newlywed couple so it was fun.

Izumi: T-That's great.

Taichi: I think I've just heard a word that I can't ignore, was it just my imagination!?

Omi: Hm? Did I say something weird?

Yuki: He's such an airhead, you gotta look up to him instead.


Omi: What’s wrong? If you want more, we still have some.

Juza: …next time, can I bake together with you too.

Banri: Huuh?

Omi: Yeah, of course. But no tasting them in the process okay?

Izumi: Juza-kun, let's learn together!

Juza: …yeah.

Banri: Hyodo making sweets… you gotta be joking.

Juza: I'm not gonna give a jerk like you even one bite so you can relax.

Banri: Aaah!?

Omi: Hey, if you're going to fight I'll take the canele away.

Juza: …sorry.

Taichi: Wait, Juza-san you're eating too many! Please leave some for me~!

Juza: …..

Taichi: Ignoring me!?

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