
Monday, June 11, 2018

R Yuki Backstage Now Preparing Translation Part 2/2

Stylish-Cute ★ Tent

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: It's time for us to leave soon. Are you ready guys? 

Kazunari: Yup. More like Director-chan, your clothes are super cwute! You're super stylish! 

Izumi: Really? Thank you. 

Sakuya: It really suits you, Director! 

Yuki: Well, I chose them after all. 

Muku: Nothing less from Yuki-kun! 

Masumi: I could've chosen something better. 

Yuki: …you picking a fight? 

Izumi: There there, we’ll watch your outfit arrangement showdown some other time. 

Misumi: Departure time! 


Yuki: So, we're leaving the firewood gathering and the set up of the kitchen to you guys. 

Izumi: Meanwhile, Yuki-kun and I will set up the tents. 

Tsuzuru: Eh, will you be fine setting the tents with just two people? It really requires power doesn't… 

Yuki: It's fine, this tent is pretty easy to set up. 

Masumi: I'll help Director too. 

Izumi: It's alright. Masumi-kun you go and help Citron-kun and the others. 

Yuki: Just hurry up and go searching for firewood already. 

Citron: Alriight, we're going to row in the mountains! 

Itaru: It's mow, see. 

Tenma: Then, we'll leave things here in your care. 

Izumi: Have a nice trip. 

Izumi: …well then, let us start shall we. 

Yuki: Yup. I'll spread it so you hold that side. 

Izumi: Got it! 


Izumi: We were able to safely set up the tents but… 

Yuki: The real mission is starting now. 

Izumi: Right. Let's hurry up and do it. 

Yuki: Here, the garland we bought the other day. 

Izumi: Thank you! Let's see, how should we arrange it. 

Yuki: Color scheme-wise, I want to bring the brighter colors to the front, so orange goes here, and then yellow… 

Izumi: Hmhm, then I'll put the pink and green here okay. 

Yuki: Hand me the stars-pattern one. 

Izumi: Ah, the way you hanged it is really cute! How did you do that? 

Yuki: You do this and… 


Tsuzuru: We're back… wait, what's that!? The tents are decorated with garland… 

Sakuya: Amazing! It's like a circus tent! 

Kazunari: Woah, it's so stylish! I'm getting fired up here~! 

Izumi: It's nice right? We saw it in the outdoor shop, and thought we wanted to try it. 

Muku: It's like a hidden house in a fairytale, it's very cute! 

Tenma: It's way too flashy! As if I can sleep in such a tent. 

Yuki: Is that so, then how about you sleep outside? 

Tenma: What did you say!? 

Muku: There there you two… 

Citron: I made a detour with Misumi so we're late~. Oh~!? What a very cute tent! 

Misumi: Woah! So many triangles! Triangle triangle~! 

Itaru: Misumi's excitement got even stronger. 

Misumi: Ah, there're triangles over here too! I want to decorate triangles too~! 

Kazunari: Sumii, go get 'em with your decoration~ ♪ 

Misumi: I'll decorate Tenma too okay! Tent and Tenma, Tentent~! 

Tenma: Oi, who the hell is Tentent! Hey, stop! Don't go wrapping garland around people! 

Yuki: Pff, it's fine isn't it, it suits you. 

Izumi: It's cute Tenma-kun. 

Kazunari: So photogenic! It's so going on my Inste! 

Itaru: It's too chaotic I'm laughing. I'll upload a picture too. 

Tenma: Huh!? You want to upload it to the internet!? 

Citron: I'll be in the picture together with you! Tenma, smile~! 

Misumi: Triangle Tentent~! 

Tenma: Stop it!

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