
Monday, June 11, 2018

R Yuki Backstage Now Preparing Translation Part 1/2

Stylish-Cute ★ Tent

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Work ended earlier than expected, maybe I'll stop somewhere.

Izumi: …ah, Yuki-kun.

Yuki: On your way back from work?

Izumi: Yup, Yuki-kun you're on your back from school right. Let's go home together.

Yuki: Alright.

Izumi: This weekend is finally the joint training camp. I'm really looking forward to it.

Yuki: Hmm…

Izumi: Eh. Yuki-kun you're not excited about it?

Yuki: I'm not good with outdoor stuff. It gets your clothes dirty and all.

Izumi: I see…

Izumi: (Indeed it is something Yuki-kun would say. Though we're not going in order to play around, I do want Yuki-kun to enjoy it too…)

Izumi: …say Yuki-kun, I thought about going to buy some clothes right now, want to come with me?

Yuki: Shopping huh… okay. It can't be helped so I'll go with you.

Izumi: Thank you, then let's go!


Yuki: And, what do you wanna buy? Summer clothes?

Izumi: I want clothes to take with me to the camp.

Yuki: I see. Then to the outdoor shop right.

Izumi: Yeah. Ah, this one is really cute.

Yuki: It's not bad, but we're going to the mountains you know. It would be cold at night, so a jacket is better right.

Like this one, its pattern is cute.

Izumi: You're right, it's nice! Ah, there're also other colors.

Yuki: Hmm, you're right. If you're gonna wear it, then the color…


Izumi: Alright, I'll take this one! Thank you, you ended up choosing pretty much everything for me Yuki-kun.

Izumi: Then let's go to pay for…

Yuki: …ah.

Izumi: Hm? What happened?

Yuki: That.

Izumi: Ah, so cute! I see, so you can do stuff like that too…

Yuki: Can I buy it?

Izumi: Yeah. Which one should we buy? The color of this one is nice.

Yuki: This shape is cute. If I'll combine it with this one…


Izumi: Yup, with this it's perfect. I can't wait to go to the camp right.

Yuki: …just a little bit.

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