
Thursday, May 24, 2018

SSR Omi Backstage Virgin Land Cooking Translation Part 3/3

Expose It! SpikyTrue Form of the Secret Ingredient

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Character appearing:


Izumi: … ……eh?

Izumi: (I'm… not falling?)

Omi: Are you alright, Director!

Izumi: O-Omi-kun!?

Izumi: (Woah, his face is so close…!)

Omi: Are you hurt?

Izumi: N-No. Sorry, Omi-kun. Thank you for supporting me.

Omi: Don't mind it. I'm happy you're safe.

Izumi: The waves somehow turned taller.

Omi: The flow of the tide must have changed. We better hurry back… hm?

Izumi: What happened?

Omi: Say, Director. That thing on the rock is…

Izumi: …? There is something black and spiky on it but… ah!

Izumi: Can it be, a sea urchin!?

Omi: Most likely. If we can identify it all the way from here, it must be quite a big one.

Omi: …about the ingredient we've been looking for, can it be that?

Izumi: ! Now that you're saying it, it might look like that drawing…

Izumi: (To think that the last ingredient was a sea urchin…)

Omi: Let's catch it. It's a bit dangerous Director, so go somewhere a little distant from the sea.


Omi: I caught it.

Izumi: Woah, it's huge!

Omi: I too have never seen a sea urchin this big. It must be something you can catch only in this island.

Izumi: I see…

Omi: With the fish and sea urchin, seems like protein isn’t going to be a problem. With this we have all the ingredients.

Izumi: Yup! Let's hurry back and make curry!


Omi: Here, it's ready. There're second helpings too so eat a bunch.

Taichi: Ooh! Is that the Golden Curry thing you talked about earlier!?

Izumi: Hmm, such a nice smell…! It was worth brining the special curry powder!

Yuki: To think you brought curry powder even all the way here… nothing less from curry alien.

Banri: But is that safe? For a curry, the smell is kinda different from usual.

Omi: I can guarantee the taste. I tasted it properly.

Izumi: Then let's eat it while it's still hot!

All members: Itadakimasu!

Izumi: …delicious!

Muku: It's a curry, but it has a new taste I've never tasted until now!

Izumi: With the touch of the mushrooms, the dashi of the fish is dominant, yet the sweetness and richness of the fruits bring depth to the curry…!

Izumi: With just that it's already delicious and yet… when you add the sea urchin to that, a new flavor is added, and it gets even more delicious…!

Izumi: It's really not any normal curry! This is the Golden Curry of this island…!

Woah, it's super good! Right, Azami!

Azami: …well, it works I guess.

Omi: Haha, everyone really loves it.

Izumi: Yup! I'm happy they liked it!

CHOICE 1: Searching for the ingredients was hard after all

CHOICE 2: Preparing it was hard right

Izumi: Umm~, it's delicious! With this it looks like I can eat several bowls!

Omi: …yeah. As I thought it's a good thing we went searching.

Omi: Director and everyone eating my cooking so deliciously, for me it's the best result I could ask for.

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