
Thursday, April 5, 2018

SSR Tsuzuru Backstage MANKAI Birthday Translation Part 1/3

Along with Handmade Sandwiches

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Tsuzuru: --sure sure, I got it already. Then, see you.

Tsuzuru: …phew. Geez, it's finally ove-…

*knock knock*

Tsuzuru: Ah, yes. Who is it?

Chikage: It's me, can I come in?

Tsuzuru: Chikage-san? Yes, I'm opening right now.

Tsuzuru: What happened so suddenly?

Nothing big you see. –there you go.

Tsuzuru: Woah!?

Tsuzuru: What are you… wait, a sash? And there's "Today's Birthday Boy" written in huge letters on it… what's up with that.

Chikage: For now, just come with me while wearing it. If you do so everything will come clear.

Tsuzuru: …huh.


Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun!

Spring Troupe: Happy birthday!

Tsuzuru: Thank you very much. I'm happy that you went out of your way to celebrate for me…

Itaru: But anyway it really suits you, this sash. Asking Yuki for help was the right thing to do.

Citron: We're bearably faithful for Yuki who made it in a short time!

Tsuzuru: Terribly grateful! Anyway, I kind of predicted it but as I thought you guys came up with this!

Sakuya: Y-You're wrong! We all decided together on giving you a sash.

Tsuzuru: Eh… for real?

Sakuya: Yes! We all discussed it together, and decided to do something different from what you did for Masumi and for me…

Masumi: And you got this as a result.

Chikage: If it's Tsuzuru it would fit him – it was a consensus.

Tsuzuru: I really appreciate it, but wasn't there something else…

Citron: Ohh! As I thought you preferred doing birthday cake catch with your face?

Itaru: So that's what you wanted. Then let's--.

Tsuzuru: The sash is just perfect! Thank you very much!

Izumi: Come on guys, if we don’t eat soon, the food will get cold~!

Sakuya: Ah, you're right! Then I'll serve Tsuzuru his dish!

Citron: I help too! Itaru join the buffet too!

Itaru: Right right. Get me a plate too.

Masumi: Then, I'll serve Director…

Izumi: You don’t have to worry about mine! Masumi-kun you take what you want to eat okay?

Tsuzuru: …Before, I was the one celebrating for others, but when it comes to celebrating for me it makes me feel uneasy.

I can't say I don’t understand how you feel.

Tsuzuru: …even so, it was a bit surprising.

Chikage: Hm? What was?

Tsuzuru: Chikage-san accepting the role of coming to get me, and actively participating in this kind of thing.

Chikage: Ah, you meant that. …well, I just thought that this kind of thing is alright from time to time.


Tsuzuru: Director, I'll help you with the cleaning.

Izumi: At least for today you should forget about doing housework, and take it easy you know?

Tsuzuru: It's fine. I can't relax when I'm doing nothing.

Izumi: If that's the case, then I appreciate your help. …by the way, did you get birthday calls from your family?

Tsuzuru: Yes. Before I came here I got a call from my brothers, urging me to come back home on the weekend since they want to celebrate for me.

Tsuzuru: So, I will go back home on my next day off.

Izumi: I see. Ah, if you like on that day, want me to give you a ride?

Tsuzuru: Eh, it's fine, it'll make me feel bad! Director you must have plans too…

Izumi: It's all good, I just happen to be free. As a bonus for your present, won't you at least let me give you a lift?

Uh… got it. Then, I'll take you up on that… please do.

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