
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

SSR Juza Here is a Sweets Paradise! Translation Part 1/3

World Festival!? Candy Festa

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3


Characters appearing:

Tsuzuru: Here, Director, a White Day gift. Please take it!

Omi: From me too. Thank you for the Valentine present.

Izumi: Woah, thanks you two! That's amazing, there're so many types!

Omi: Yeah. Truffle and brownie, and here there's a chocolate cake.

Tsuzuru: Just so you know, everything is handmade. Unlike regular cooking, I'm not really used to sweets making…

Tsuzuru: But I made them while Fushimi-san was teaching me, so I can guarantee their taste!

Izumi: All of them look delicious. And their appearance is cute too!

Omi: It is White Day. We worked hard in order to make Director happy.

Kazunari: Here hereee! Me too! Director-chan, happy White Day!

Izumi: Woah, amazing! It's so colorful!

Kazunari: Ehehe~, I gathered looots of cutie sweeties ★

Kazunari: Looky here, this one is a new strawberry caramel product!

Omi: Heh, having such a great variety is nice too.

Izumi: Yup! I don't know what to eat first. Thank you, Kazunari-kun.

Hisoka: Director, me too.

Hisoka: Chocolate, and marshmallow. My favorite flavor.

Homare: Director, here is a present from me as well. Their appearance looks delicious too does it not?

Izumi: Fluffy marshmallows, and rose shaped chocolate! So many types…

Izumi: I received so much, I really can't thank you all enough. I'll eat all of them dearly!


Homare: Yes, I am glad you are delighted.

Juza: …! That's a lot of candies.

Juza: From me, it's not exactly candy but… it's a thank you for Valentine's Day. Please accept it.

Izumi: This is… a ticket? It says Candy Festa but…

Kazunari: Aah! I know what that is! It's a candy festival where you can eat candies from all over the world!

I wanted to go there too!

Hisoka: …so a festival like that, actually exists.

Juza: Yeah. If you have this ticket, you can eat a bunch of candies for free, or so I've heard.

Izumi: Heh, is that so…! Sounds interesting! Thank you, Juza-kun.

Juza: Yeah.


Izumi: (The lounge is filled with a sweet scent. It might be the first time that I'm surrendered by so many candies)

Izumi: I'm really happy. Which should I eat first. They all look delicious, but I also feel like it's a waste to eat them.

Izumi: (…ah, thinking of which, that ticket I got from Juza-kun--)

Izumi: (Hm? It says that it's possible for up to two people to enter with this ticket)

Izumi: Alright, if that's the case…


Izumi: Ah, there he is. Juza-kun!

Juza: Director? What's wrong.

Izumi: The Candy Festa, want to go there together? That ticket, seems like two people can enter with it.

Juza: Eh… well if, you're okay with that Director.

Izumi: Of course! Rather than going by myself, it would surely be more fun to go with the two of us!

Juza: 'kay.

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