Tuesday, February 6, 2018

SSR Omi Backstage Gather Chocoholics Translation Part 2/3

Giant Line ★ Omi's Valentine Wagon

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Owner: Thank you for coming, Omi-chan! You're a great help ♪

Omi: I'm sorry, owner. Were you waiting for us outside?

Owner: But of course! I can't just sit around in the store knowing Omi-chan is coming!

Izumi: (Even though he looks like a normal man, his movements and speech are very girlish…)

Owner: …oh my. The girl next to Omi-chan, are you the girl who's going to help us today?

Izumi: Ah, yes! I-I'll be in your care today.

Owner: Fufu. Same here ♪

Owner: …I see I see. This girl is…

Izumi: (S-Somehow, I feel like he's really looking at me...?)

Izumi: Um… is something the matter?

Owner: …not a bad woman I see.

Izumi: Eh?

Owner: No, it's nothing. Just talking to myself ♪ Then, I'm going to begin the explanation okay?

Izumi: Ah, yes! Take care of us!

Omi: Please go easy on us.


Omi: Let's see… the right way to line up these products, is like this… and then this right?

Owner: Exactly, nothing less from Omi-chan. It's a great help you're a fast learner. Your design sense is good too ♪

Owner: Then, I'll go back to the store. If there's something you don't understand don't hesitate to ask.

Izumi: Understood.

Omi: We'll work hard so we can sell a lot.

Owner: Oh my, a lot doesn't even begin to describe it. If Omi-chan is here, we'll be sold out in no time!

Owner: Because after all—today, you've got the magic of love upon you ♪

Omi: Magic of love…?

Owner: What kind of magic it is, Look ● forward ● to see ♪

Omi: R-Right…

Owner: Fufu, then, do your best~.

Izumi: (He left while skipping…)

Izumi: The Owner, is a bit strange, but he's an interesting person.

Omi: Haha, you're right. He's a friendly, good person.

Izumi: Alright, we have to work hard in order to make the Owner happy!

Omi: Yeah. Then first, we have to line up the sweets on the wagon.


Izumi: …something like this?

Omi: Looks good. With this we're ready.

Female customer A: Excuse me. Is it possible to buy products from this wagon already?

Izumi: Ah, Y-Yes! We've just started selling earlier!

Female customer A: Then, give me 3 of these chocolate cupcakes.

Izumi: Thank you very much!

Omi: Haha, we were already able to sell some.

Female customer B: Excuse me. Can I ask something.

Omi: Yes, welcome. Are you looking for something?


Izumi: (T-The customers are coming one after the other…! So the sweets of this store, are really popular)

Female customer C: E-Excuse me….

Omi: Yes, can I help?

Female customer C: The truth is, there's a boy I'm in love with… I'm thinking about confessing my feelings to him when I give him chocolate today.

Female customer C: A recommended chocolate for times like these… do you have one?

Omi: Of course we do. How about the one over here?

Omi: Since the other party is a friend, in order for him not to mistake it for a chocolate given to a friend, you can tell the affectionate feelings from the wrapping.

Female customer C: T-Then, I want this one!

Omi: Certainly. I hope your feelings will be conveyed properly.

Female customer C: Yes! Um… thank you very much!

Omi: No, thank you for buying!

Izumi: (Omi-kun is amazing… he totally solved her love troubles)

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