
Saturday, February 10, 2018

SR Juza Backstage Premonition of Blooming Translation Part 1/2

A Clumsy Delinquent

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: I-It's heavy… both my hands are full so if I were to fall right now it would be a disaster.

Izumi: (I planned to only shop for a little, but because of the huge amount of tea leaves Homare-san has requested…)

Juza: Director?

Izumi: Ah, Juza-kun.

Juza: …what's with this crazy baggage. You're buying too much aren't you.

Izumi: Ahaha… I was asked to buy all kind of things.

Juza: Huh… give it here.

Izumi: Eh, I can hold them! They're light after all.

Juza: 's fine, give it.

Izumi: T-Thank you…

Juza: Were you planning on carrying them alone all the way to the dorms.

Izumi: Well, it's not an impossible task.

Juza: No, it is actually.

Juza: If he asked you to buy this much, you should've asked Homare-san to help you with the bags right.

Izumi: Eh? How did you know Homare-san was the one who asked it from me?

Juza: He's the only one who can ask for such a crazy amount of tea leaves right.

Izumi: You're right… but it looked like Homare-san had a lot of work to do, and I was going shopping anyway so I thought it was fine.

Juza: …huh. Try to think more carefully.

Izumi: Uh… sorry. You're right. Next time I'll be careful.

Izumi: (Actually, I am getting help from Juza-kun…)

Juza: ……

Izumi: Juza-kun?

Juza: …'s nothing. Let's go.


Homare: Ooh, Director! You are a life saver!

Izumi: Geez, I had a hard time you know! It's a good thing I met Juza-kun halfway back but--.

Homare: You as well Juza-kun, I am grateful you did it for my sake! Aah, the wonderful aroma of tea leaves.

Juza: …no problem.

Homare: I will put these on this shelf! Aah, these go here!

Homare: All of them are supreme tea leaves. I cannot allow the aroma to get away!

Izumi: It's okay to tamper with shelves in the kitchen, but please don't get too wild.

Homare: Of course! I am looking forward to my tea! Just by taking in the scent my inspiration is stirred up!

Izumi: And he isn't listening…

Homare: Oh, Juza-kun. May you please help me with the bags too?

Juza: …'kay.

Homare: Thank you. You can tell too can't you Juza-kun? This sweet fragrant of the rose hip!

Juza: No… I can't tell at all.

Homare: Fufun, then I will provide an explanation for you. Indeed, let us see—

Homare: Hm~ Drown in an ocean of tea leaves, sweet hea~rt. Buried in scent, dead hea~rt.

Juza: Huh?

Izumi: And he started.

Homare: Nestles closer to a fallen tear, attack hea~rt. A graceful tea time… aaah, refresh hea~rt.

Homare: Yes, it is a masterpiece! What are your thoughts Juza-kun. Have you gotten it?

Juza: No, I…

Homare: I see! Perhaps there is a possibility, you are able to understand my sense of geniusness!

Izumi: Homare-san, Juza-kun is put off.

Homare: How about it, Juza-kun? Someday we should have a relaxed tea time, together with Director too.

Izumi: And he isn't listening again!

Juza: …I'll think about it.

Homare: Hahaha, You should not hold yourself back. If you crave to hear my poems, tell me any day.


Homare: Hmm… hhmmmm…

Izumi: Hm?

Homare: Hmm… aah, how harsh… why is it that God bestows on me such anguish.

Homare: I wonder, is that what you would call a trial for the genius.

Izumi: (…I'll just ignore him)

Homare: Ah! I know! The circumstances call for lemon herb tea!

Homare: Would you not agree Director!

Izumi: Eh!? Yeah, I guess you're right…

Homare: A night with such a gentle night breeze… right! I shall drink black tea in the garden while bathing in the moonlight!

Homare: Guided by the moonlight, there is no mistake a wonderful insight would come upon me!

Izumi: Right.

Homare: There are tea leaves on the shelf with lemon herb tea written on them. I would be delighted if you bring me the hot tea to the garden.

Izumi: Me!?

Homare: Indeed! I shall be waiting! Hmhm~♪

Izumi: He left…

Izumi: Well, seems like he's really busy with work, so I think I'll make tea for him.

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