
Thursday, December 28, 2017

SSR Juza Backstage Chilling Out at Home Translation Part 2/3

New Year's Eve at the Hyodos 

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Kumon

Kumon: 3… 2… 1…!

Kumon: Happy New Year!

Muku: Happy New Year!

Kumon: Both of you, I'll be in your care this year too!

Muku: Same here. Ju-chan and Ku-chan, I'll be in your care.

Juza: Yeah, I'll be in your care.

Kumon: Nii-chan you too, this year come home properly okay! I'll be waiting for you!

Juza: …I'll come as much as possible.

Kumon: Alllright! Then the New Year has just started, so it's time for The Game of Life~!

Muku: Yay!

Juza: It's been a while since I've seen this board…

Kumon: We've played it often when we were little right. It's been a while since I played it too!

Kumon: I'll make sure to win, and become a multimillionaire!

Alright, I'm not going to lose either!


Kumon: Here it is, I got a job! I'm, a piano engineer!

Juza: So it even has weird jobs like that…

Muku: Juza you're a patissier right! And I'm… a stun man!

Kumon: A stun man!? Soooo cool! How nice! Alright! Please give me something good too!

Kumon: Go!

Muku: Um, you need to take 3 steps so… Ah! Ku-chan you rest one turn~.

Kumon: Ghaa! Nii-chan will overtake me!

Muku: Crossroads… w-what should I do! There is a work change route here right…!?

Juza: A house huh… I don't know what house to choose.

Kumon: Here it is! I have a child now, so I get congratulation money!

Juza: What…? Kumon's son… a nephew huh.

Muku: I'm about to run out of money…!


Kumon: Yay! I, have won big time--!!

Juza: Damn, I lost…

Muku: I lost… Ku-chan, that was a big come from behind victory.

Kumon: Hehehe, I did it! It was fun~.

Juza: We ended up getting too into it. It's already this late.

You're right. Usually at this hour we're in a deep sleep, but today it's New Year's holiday so it's special.

Juza: Right.

Kumon: Me too, I got so excited I'm not sleepy at all! Hey, wanna play another game!?


Muku: ….hm?

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