
Thursday, December 28, 2017

SSR Juza Backstage Chilling Out at Home Translation Part 1/3

New Year's Eve at the Hyodos 

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Kumon

Izumi: (We're done with the cleaning and with the year-end party, so this part is behind us…)

Izumi: (Looks like the guys who return back home are done with packing too. Since there aren't going to be many people in the New Year's holiday here, seems like it's going to be quiet)

Juza: ….

Izumi: Hm? It's Juza-kun. Are you done with the preparations for going back home?

Juza: Yeah. Unlike Settsu, I don't have lots of stuff to take.

Izumi: Indeed, Banri-kun looks to be the type to take a huge luggage.

Izumi: Then, want to drink some tea as a break?

Juza: 'kay.

Izumi: Juza-kun and Muku-kun, you're going to spend the New Year's holiday together right.

Juza: Yeah. Director you're not going home?

Izumi: My home is a bit far from here, today I'm planning to see everyone off.

Izumi: Seems like there're quite many people who stay at the dorms, so I'm planning to spend the New Year's eve here.

Juza: Sounds like it's gonna be lively here…

Izumi: The Hyodos and the Sakisakas, always look so friendly it makes me jealous. Kumon-kun and Juza-kun, you seem to get along well too.

Juza: Yeah… but, until last year, I wasn't really interacting with Muku see.

Juza: This year, he said he wants to play The Game of Life together.

Izumi: The Game of Life!? So nostalgic! I used to play it a lot too!

Izumi: Deciding on a workplace, buying a house and so on is fun right.

Juza: Me too, I used to play it a lot but… recently I didn't get the chance to.

Izumi: Since it's a chance, go and enjoy your New Year's holiday.

Juza: …'kay. Director you too, have a good year.

Izumi: Yup, have a good year!


Juza: I'm home.

Muku: Sorry for intruding!

Kumon: Nii-chaaaaaan!!

Juza: --.

Muku: Ku-chan!?

Kumon: Welcome back, Nii-chan!!

Juza: Yeah, I'm back.

Kumon: Muku too! It's sure been a while~!

Muku: Yup! It's been a while.

Kumon: I was so looking forward for you two to come back I've been waiting all this time!

Kumon: Mom made tons of food for us! There are many of your favorites too, so let's hurry up and eat!

Muku: Really!? Auntie's food is delicious so I can't wait.

Kumon: You too nii-chan, hurry up!

Juza: Oi, don't pull me—geez.

I'm sure everyone is aware, but "nii-chan" is an affectionate way to call your big brother.

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