
Friday, November 10, 2017

SR Juza Backstage Travel Snacks Banzai! Translation Part 2/2

Sweets Hoarding Tactics

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:


Sakyo: It is obvious, but everyone is here right.

Kazunari: Yup yup ♪

Tsuzuru: The roll-call is so sloppy!

Yuki: Well when you have this many guys with strong personalities gathered, actually if they're not here you'll notice right away.

An airplane, it's been a while since I've rode one. Omi-kun on your free time, where are you planning to go to?

Omi: It's plain, but I'm thinking about going around the tourist attractions and taking pictures there. I'm also looking forward to take pictures of everyone.

Tenma: Kazunari and Taichi look like the types to take a crazy amount of pictures, when we get back the dorms are probably going to be overflowing with pictures.

Izumi: Ahaha, true that!

Juza: …..

Izumi: (…hm? Juza-kun, he looks like he's digging in his luggage but…)

Juza: ….munch munch…

Izumi: (Ah, he has already opened a candy and started silently eating it…!)

Izumi: Speaking of which Juza-kun, where are you planning to go in your free time over there?

Juza: I was invited by Muku, to do a sweets shops tour.

Izumi: Woah, sounds fun! Did you investigate stuff already?

Juza: Well, to some extent.

Juza: Seems like there's a famous street with sweets stores, we talked about going there.

Izumi: Heh~!

Child: …uuh, sniffs. Waah! Don't wanna!

Juza: …!?

Izumi: (…! I wonder what's wrong, the child sitting opposite to Juza-kun, seems like he started crying suddenly but…)

Mother: Don't be selfish. The trip will surely be fun! I think there're many interesting things there you know?

Child: But, they're not showing Tyranman over there~!

Mother: We've put it to be recorded so it's alright. Geez…

Juza: …oi. Why're you crying.

Izumi: (Eh!? Juza-kun spoke to the child. That's a little surprising)

Child: ??

Child: …! W-Waaah!!

Juza: …..

Izumi: (Aaaah, he has stopped crying for a moment, yet when he saw Juza he started crying again! He does look a bit scary though!)

Izumi: Um, excuse me…!

Juza: It's not like, I wanted to scare you. …here, wanna eat it?

Child: Eh?

Child: Ah, this is, the yummy thing! Can I eat it?

Juza: Yeah. I like this candy too.

Child: Woah, thanks, big brother…! I like this candy too!

Juza: I see. I'll give it to you, so don't cry anymore.

Child: Yeah…!

Mother: I'm sorry, you've been a great help. Thank you very much.

Juza: …'s fine.

Izumi: Juza-kun, amazing…! That kid, he became all happy!

Izumi: I feel like I was able to see an unexpected side of Juza-kun.

Juza: I, have a younger brother. Well it's a little, but I'm used to it.

Izumi: I see… you're a good big brother.

Izumi: I know, to this kind big brother, here. The candies I bought! Let's eat them together?

Juza: Eh, but… ….is that okay?

Izumi: Of course.

Juza: Thanks. …yeah, it's good.

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