
Monday, November 13, 2017

Event hAve A greAt trip! Translation Part 6/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Misumi: I wonder if I can find out where the triangles museum is, if I research~?

Itaru: No, it's not a triangles museum right.

Misumi: How can I get there~…


Itaru: …huh, I guess I'll put the games on hold huh.

Itaru? What happened~?

Itaru: It can't be helped. Big brother here will come with you.

Misumi: Eh, really~!? Is it okay to leave your games?

Itaru: Well, there isn't an event going right now after all.

Itaru: Somehow I'm worried about letting Misumi wander alone in this foreign land so.

Misumi: Thank you Itaru~!

As thanks, I'll give you a travel Triangle-kun!

Itaru: Haha, thank you. Then, should we get going.

Misumi: Yup!


Misumi: Triangle, triangle~ ♪


Misumi: Ah! Look, Itaru! The roof of that tower over there, it's a triangle!

Itaru: A triangle…? Ah, you're right.

Misumi: This country, has many triangles too right! Triangle, triangle~ ♪

Itaru: …being with Misumi, is somehow so calming.

Misumi: Really~? I don't really get it, but that's great~!

Misumi: I'm also having fun, walking together with Itaru!

Itaru: Yeah? That's good then. …ah, isn't that street light triangle shaped too?

Misumi: Ahh! You're right! It's a beautiful triangle~ ♪ I'll take a picture!

Itaru: Then, I'll take it for you. Misumi you enter the picture.

Misumi: Yay! Then with a triangle pose~… triangle!


Itaru: Haha, it came out pretty good. I'll LIME it to you later.

Misumi: Thank you!

Itaru: You said you're meeting with Homare-san at the museum?

Misumi: Yup! Arisu said he'll contact me.

I wonder around what hour it'll be. From here to the museum, bus is the fastest…

???: --.

???: --!


Itaru: Hm? Somehow, I've heard these voices before…


Tenma: I prefer this restaurant!

Kazunari: Eeeh~!? But this restaurant is more famous on instagram~! Their food will definitely look good on instagram too!

Tenma: When it comes to cooking, the taste is obviously more important than pictures! This restaurant, is a hidden famous store known to a select few…!

Itaru: This is--.

No fighting~!

Tenma: Ooh!?

Kazunari: Wah! Sumi-!?

Tenma: Geez, don't startle me! Where on earth did you appear from.

Kazunari: For real Sumi, your appearances are too unpredictable! The truth is you can actually teleport or something like that!?

…Misumi, you're too fast.

Eh? Even Itarun! What happened~?

Itaru: Today, I'm on a date with Misumi.

Misumi: Triangles date!

Itaru: …and, seems like you were fighting over something. What happened when we're on the middle of a trip.



Next part >>

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