
Monday, November 13, 2017

Event hAve A greAt trip! Translation Part 4/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Tsuzuru: Finally we arrived…

Tenma: It was quite a long trip…

Sakyo: Today we'll just rest in the hotel. Get a good rest as preparation for the performance tomorrow.


Sakuya: We're here!

Masumi: This is the holy place of performing…

Juza: The theater is amazing too…

Yuki: Look, Kazunari. This performance poster, the costumes and writing and the design arrangement, are really made with a good taste.

Kazunari: Woah, you're right…! This is bad, I have to take pics! I have to buy a flyer too!

Citron: Oh, my heart is pounding…! The performance, I'm looking forward to it!

Izumi: Yeah!

Sakyo: It's opening time soon. Let's go inside.


Tsumugi: It was amazing…!

Tasuku: So this is the world's stage… even if the language was different, the meaning did go through.

Izumi: It really left an impact. But, the expressions and movement were so delicate… every single action looked so good.

Tsumugi: Exactly right! Especially, that scene where the heroine cried thinking about the protagonist--.

Azuma: Hm? It's really lively.

Hisoka: …they're, having a street act.

Izumi: You're right…!

Sakyo: They're actors who were charmed, and inspired by that performance.

Sakuya: …!

Tenma: …..

Sakuya: Director, us too--!

Taichi: Director-sensei!

Banri: Well, obviously we're going too right.

Izumi: …yeah! Guys, go out there!


Muku: "Alright it's done! Hehe, this cake must be delicious!"

Masumi: "Hm? What are you making?"

Muku: "Great timing! Look at this cake! It looks super delicious right!?"

Masumi: "Heh, it certainly has a beautiful appearance. But the problem is the taste right"

Muku: "The taste is obviously perfect too! Here, try it already"

Masumi: "Then, I won't hold back. I'm eating"

Masumi: "-!?"

Masumi: "Oi! You mixed up the salt and the sugar you know!?"

Muku: "Eeeeeh!? Woah--!? I, I ruined it!!"


Tasuku: "You… don't mess with me! You bastard!"

Banri: "Ha, too naive"

Tasuku: "What…!?"

Banri: "I'm sorry, but this treasure is mine. If you still want it, let's see… should we have a duel?"

Tasuku: "…! Fine, I accept your duel!"


Sakuya: "98, 99, 100…! Phew, push-ups, 200 more times…!"

Juza: "You're really working hard so late at night"

Sakuya: "Dad! Welcome back. You're late yourself dad"

Juza: "Yeah. Tomorrow is your match at last, how do you feel?"

Sakuya: "Yeah, not so bad but… tomorrow we're up against a champion school so… I'm not sure if we can win… it's possible, that we might lose horribly"

Juza: "What are you becoming all timid for? It's not like you. If it's a match of some weakling, maybe I won't go to watch it"

Sakuya: "Eh!? But, you said that tomorrow you can't come because of work…"

Juza: "I finished up all my work. Tomorrow I'll go cheering for you"

Sakuya: "Really!?"

Sakuya: "Thank you dad! I, I'll do my best! I'll definitely, show you my awesome smash dad!"

Izumi: (Everyone, is impressive even in a foreign land… even compared to the local people, they're not losing)

Izumi: (Their acting is so lively, that you can understand it even if you don’t understand the language…!)


Citron: It was very fun~! We should've continued!

Tsumugi: The reaction from the audience was refreshing too.

Taichi: I even received some money~!

Sakuya: I got people calling out to me… I'm touched!

Sakyo: Seems like all of you showed results. There was a worth in coming here.

Izumi: …yes!

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