
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Event hAve A greAt trip! Translation Part 2/11

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Epilogue

Characters appearing:

Others: Manager

Tsuzuru: Anyway, what is this overseas training thing?

Izumi: Um, the truth is--.


Manager: Eeeh~!? Overseas training!? I heard nothing of it~!?

Sakyo: I'm sure we talked about it in the meeting last week.

Manager: The meeting last week, I had plans so I didn't participate in it! To think, that you talked about something like that…!

Manager: Er, by the way… about me being able to participate…

Sakyo: Sorry, the ones who can register are only 1 supervisor and actors. I'm leaving the dorms to you while we aren’t here.

Manager: T-Thought so…

Banri: Overseas huh, that makes you excited all right.

Misumi: Airplane, I can't wait~!

Kazunari: I know right! This makes the good vibes go up! Let's have lots of fun~!

Masumi: Overseas together with you… this is essentially, a rehearsal for our honeymoon.

Izumi: Masumi-kun, it really isn't okay!?

Yuki: Holy ground for acting means, the costumes are obviously top class too right. I wonder if I can buy a design related book over there.

Itaru: I have to take a power transformer… if I can't charge my battery I'll die.

Tsuzuru: You don't change huh, Itaru-san…

Sakyo: You guys, it's not like we're going to play around.

We get it~! Of course we're going to study a ton about acting too!

Kazunari: But also, if we're going anyway there's no harm in having fun right!? Which brings ● me ● to~…

Kazunari: Tada! Looky here! I made a guidebook for the trip!

Omi: Heh, impressive.

Tsumugi: You're taking things seriously.

Taichi: It's so fashionable~!

I got so excited I couldn’t help but making it! I even went to a print shop to get them printed ★

Azuma: Nothing less from Kazu. The inside too is cute and easy to read.

Izumi: You're right, the schedule is written here properly too!

Kazunari: 'course! The time table is in there too! First we get there on the first day and sleep in the hotel~.

And then on the second day we watch the main show right. The last day is the long awaited, free time~!

Misumi: Yaaay!

Itaru: That's a pretty rushed schedule.

Sakyo: The truth is, I didn't even want to leave time for free activity though… we have lots of problematic guys after all.

Izumi: Well, when we're finally going overseas!

Banri: Right right, only going for training is a waste.

Muku: I'm really looking forward, to visit many places on my free time…!

Citron: I'm going to do nightseeing, and a hitting tour~!

It's sightseeing and eating tour see!

Itaru: The feeling hitting tour gives, it grows on you…

Sakyo: Geez… listen here, don't make too much merry.

Manager: Sobs sobs… How nice, an overseas trip with everyone…

Manager: I'm home-sitting anyway…

Omi: He's completely sulking…

I'm sorry, Manager~.

Manager: Sobs sobs…

Izumi: Ah, we'll buy you souvenirs! Do you have any requests?

Manager: Really!? Then, chocolate and cheese cookies and meat pie, and a local t-shirt and wine and beer and--.

An overseas artist CD and live DVD and live goods and headphones with logo, if you buy me that I'll forgive you!

Sakyo: Rejected. Where exactly do we have this kinda money.

Itaru: Shameless as usual huh.

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