
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

SSR Juza Backstage Shoreline Sentiment Translation Part 3/3

Juza Participates!? Beach's Handsome Man Contest

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing: 

Host: My~ those were some wonderful singing voices! Number 15 and Number 87, those two will participate in the finals!!

Spectator A: Number 15's singing voice, is so rough~!

Spectator B: On top of that he seems quiet but he can sing well, isn't this gap crazy?

Host: Now, the subject for the final match is~….? "A swee~t line you would say to a girl"!

Host: From a man of the sea we simply want a sweet line that can mesmerize anyone with a few words!

Host: The long awaited finals will start after a 10 minutes break! Then see you soon~!


Juza: Huh…

Izumi: Juza-kun, you're amazing! With this first and foremost, you got the fatsi fruit juice!

Juza: Right.

Izumi: The final match is in 10 minutes but…

Izumi: (A sweet line, you would say to a girl huh… I can't even imagine Juza-kun saying something like that…)

Juza: Director. That sweet line thing, for the finals… what should I say.

Izumi: Yeah… what to do… Azuma-san is good with things that belong to this field…


Here is the thing you've all waited for! The curtain rises on the final match! Number 15 and Number 87 come to the stage!

Izumi: Eeh, have 10 minutes passed already1? Juza-kun, did you come up with something!?

Juza: ….

Izumi: (Seems like Juza-kun didn't come up with anything too. What should we do, in this rate…)

Izumi: (A sweet line… sweet…. Ah, I-I know!!)

Izumi: Juza-kun, It's just an example, but how about you try to link it to your favorite sweet food!?

Juza: With something sweet?

Izumi: Yeah, let's see… like, try to say it while thinking about all the people in the audience as anmitsu or something!

Juza: …!

Juza: Thanks. …I'm going.

Izumi: (…I-I ended up giving him a weird advice without really thinking, I wonder if it's going to be alright)


Host: Now, this time let's start from the later number! Number 87, stage is yours!

Number 87: I'm, engrossed in you ★

Number 87: Hey, wanna make with me a love so hot, that the sun would burn?

Spectator A: Kyaa--!!

Spectator B:
My chest all squeezed! If someone says it to me on the beach I would fall for him instantly you know!?

Host: A shrill can be heard from the audience! That was a pretty good line!

Host: Next is Number 15! What will he show us? Here, the stage is yours!

Juza: ….

Izumi: (Juza-kun… h-he isn't saying anything. Can it be, he couldn't come up with something?)

Izumi: (It might be because I gave him a weird advice. What to do…)

Juza: …[breath in] haa.

Let me eat you already. My last meal… is you.

Audience: Kyaaaa!!

Ooooh!!! This is!! Such a high leveled line!! Seems like he got lots of point too!!

Host: Listen to it, this great applause, the great cheering!! And saying the line while sighing somehow, sent my heart beating!

Host: This is Number 15's victory!! Congratulations!!


Izumi: Juza-kun!! This is amazing, congrats!! My heart was thumping too when you said that line!

Juza: …thanks.

Juza: As you advised Director, I just said this line while thinking about anmitsu.

Izumi: I-I see. I'm happy the advice seemed to be useful…!

Juza: …but, I won the contest, huh…. If it was in the past, I can't think about this happening…

Juza: … me winning, is thanks to me meeting Director and the guys from the Company.

Juza: The past me, wouldn’t be able to say the line properly on the stage.

Juza: In the first, he wouldn't be trying to join a contest.

Juza: …everyone, has changed me. Earlier, on top of the stage… I realized it again.

Izumi: Juza-kun…

CHOICE 1: You were cool

CHOICE 2: Thank you, I'm happy

…the prize tickets we received earlier, seems like you can use them in the tent over there.

Juza: Should we try going there.

Yeah, you're right!


Izumi: Y-Yeah… it was our precious PR chance but…

Juza: Sorry…

Izumi: (Leaving that line aside, Juza-kun, seems like he's bad with advertisements and the likes…)

(In the end, the ad for the theatre has ended without us being able to do much. …not to mention..)


Izumi: Err, how is it?

Juza: It's different than what I imagined… I thought it would be sweeter…

Juza: Want to try some?

Izumi: Ah, then I'll try some. Thank you.

Izumi: …you're right. Somehow, it has a peculiar bitterness it doesn't feel like a sweet fruit juice…


Juza: Well… this taste, and the contest too have become good experiences.

Izumi: You're right. Juza-kun, you were really amazing!

Ah, speaking of which, we also have one free ticket for the banana boat right.

Izumi: Let's finish drinking it, go back to the beach house, and once things calm down let's go play with the boat together with everyone!

Everyone will definitely be surprised, and happy!

Juza: 'kay.

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