
Saturday, September 30, 2017

SSR Tsuzuru Backstage Naughty Poodle Translation Part 2/3

Magical Circus Miracle

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Ciel

Ciel: Woof!

Tsuzuru: Who would've thought I'll end up performing in a show with you.

Circus member: Ciel's specialty is balancing on a ball, so train on that and… and also, how about making this boy appear from a top hat?

Tsuzuru: Eh!? No, I can't do such a difficult thing!

Circus member: It's alright, as long as you get the hang of it it's easy.

Ciel: Woof!

Circus member: Of course, we will teach you about magic and in what way to train, we'll also support you, so please relax.

Tsuzuru: Even if you tell me that… no, but I accepted it already so I've got no choice but to do it.

Taichi: Let's do our best in training together! Ohh!

Izumi: Then for now, let's return to the dorms and tell about it to everyone.

Circus member: Then, I'll give you the specific details later… oh my?

Ciel: Kuu~.

Izumi: Ciel? You don't want to leave Tsuzuru-kun?

Ciel: Woof.

Tsuzuru: You were able to unite with your friends from the circus, so how about you spend today with them?

Ciel: Kuu~.

Circus member: Ciel has gotten completely attached to you.

Circus member: In the upcoming collaboration you and Ciel will become partners, so it might be better if you take care of him for a while.

Kazunari: Aha, Ciel, he's looking at Tsuzurun being all teary-eyed yknow?

Tsuzuru: Uh… if you look at me with those eyes, there's no way I can leave you. Got it, let's go back to the dorms together.

Ciel: Woof!

Izumi: And so, we found Ciel's owner, and decided on performing in a circus show!

Tsumugi: It's great you were able to find his owners. On top of it, you even got a collaboration with a circus.

Itaru: A wild unexpected development appeared.

Izumi: Apparently they would let us advertise Mankai Company on a large-scale within the circus.

Tasuku: This is certainly a chance. We too, we will cooperate in whatever we can.

Tsumugi: Tsuzuru-kun, you're going to appear in a show with this boy right.

Tsuzuru: Yes. There isn't much time until the show, so we have to train as much as we can…

Tsuzuru: Let's work hard, Ciel.

Ciel: Woof woof!


Tsuzuru: Alright, then let's start our special training, Ciel.

Ciel: Woof.

Tsuzuru: Let's see, the memo I received…

Tsuzuru: First, when saying "On", Ciel would hop on the ball. Once he did give him a snack…

Ciel, On!

Ciel: Woof!

Tsuzuru: Ooh, you're good! Next is Stay, then I create a distance… if after that he would follow me while on the ball--.


Tsuzuru: Alright Ciel, you're great! You're really smart.

Ciel: Woof woof!

Izumi: Tsuzuru-kun, good job with the training. You two are really in sync!

Ciel: Woof!

Izumi: Ahaha, it's as if Ciel agrees.

Tsuzuru: Seems like things are going well with the ball riding! With this, looks like we can also succeed with the top hat magic.

Tsuzuru: Then Ciel, I count three two one, and you pop out. Three, two-…

Ciel: Woof woof!

Tsuzuru: Hey, I haven't said one yet right. It's after the three, two, one count. We're trying one more time okay?

Tsuzuru: Three, two-…

Ciel: Woof!

Tsuzuru: I'm telling you, this is too soon! One more time!


Tsuzuru: Yeah… no matter how many times we try this one, we can't get the timing right…

Izumi: I wonder if the signal is too hard to understand.

Izumi: How about trying to have Ciel popping out when hitting the magic hat with a wand?

Tsuzuru: I see… I'll give it a try!

Tsuzuru: Let's go, Ciel. You'll appear after I tap on the hat twice. Let's start with remembering that.

Ciel: Woof!

Tsuzuru: Alright, excellent! Here, a snack. Let's do it one more time!


Tsuzuru: Here we go! Three, two, one! *tap tap*

Ciel: Woof woof!


Izumi: Yeah, it was perfect just now! Ciel, well done!

Ciel: Woof woof, woof!

Haha, good boy!

Muku: Ah, Tsuzuru-san, you were in the middle of training with Ciel-kun! You're working hard.

Aa, Muku. Yeah.

Muku: Fufu! When you hug Ciel-kun like this, it's as if Tsuzuru-san and Director are dad and mom and--.

Muku: Ciel-kun is the child, like a close family!

Izumi: Eh!?

Tsuzuru: H-Hey, Muku, don't make fun of us!

Ciel: Woof woof, woof!


The day has finally come. Time really flies by. …alright, Ciel, let's do a rehearsal.

Ciel: Woof!

Tsuzuru: On! Alright, Stay! –Ciel! Yeah, you're great!

Tsuzuru: Three, two, one!

Ciel: Woof woof!

Tsuzuru: Alright! That's perfect. Now only the performance itself is left.

Tsuzuru: We will definitely make it a success, Ciel!

Ciel: Woof!

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