
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

R Omi Backstage Laughing Demon Translation Part 2/2

Even and Oni's Child can Break His Horn

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

*Others: a child

Izumi: To think we would end up cleaning the shrine ourselves…

Haha, it really is something out of a TV drama.

Izumi: Should we also sweep behind the shrine?

Omi: Yeah, then I'll go take a look there. Since it looks like we're about to finish here.

Izumi: Is that so? Then, please do.


Omi: And, that's about it…

Omi: --!

Omi: There!

Child: --! O-Oi let go of me!

Omi: The~re there, I got you.

Child: Let Go Of Me !

Omi: Good boy, we will be returning to the front now.


Child: Oi! Put me down!

Omi: Hey, I told you to stay quiet.

Izumi: Ah, Omi-kun—wait? This kid is…

Omi: Yeah, he's the kid from earlier. He was about to mess up the garbage I gathered so I caught him.

Child: Don't ignore me! I told you to let go of me!

Omi: --Oi, don't struggle. You want to be dropped down head first?

Child: Eek…!

Izumi: O, Omi-kun…?

Omi: Haha, my bad. Did I scare you too much? When I do it like this li~ghtly to my brothers they immediately calm down, I ended up using it.

Izumi: (So just now, it was li~ghtly… I wonder how it is when he's angry for real…)

Child: .....

Izumi: Indeed, the results are showing…

Child: .....

Izumi: ….hey, you. Why are you doing those things?

Omi: You have some circumstances right?

Child: …not really. Even if I go back home no one is there, so I'm just killing time.

Omi: Even so, you can't trouble other people. Bad boys, are going to be kidnapped by an Oni.

Child: Rather than Oni, you big bro are way scarier…

Izumi: Ahaha…

Omi: If you're lonely, we will play with you.

Child: …really?

Omi: Yeah. Right, Director?

Izumi: Of course. If it's our dorm, there are even more big brothers over there.

Omi: Instead, can you promise you won't play tricks anymore?

Child: …yup!

Omi: Great! Then, let's go apologizing.


Izumi: It's a good thing you could apologize properly.

Omi: So you can do it if you try.

Child: obviously!

Omi: Haha, you're really cheeky.

Izumi: Well then, be careful on your back.

Child: Yup! See you again, Oni big brother and big sister!

Omi: Oni big brother…

Izumi: There there. Let's think of it as nickname.

Izumi: But Omi-kun, you really know how to take care of others. Like you're used to deal with boys.

Omi: Because my house is an all male household. If something was going on I made them quiet with a pro wrestling move.

Izumi: Isn't it too violent!?


Child: Oni big bro! Let's play!

Juza: Wha, a kid…!?

Taichi: Moreover Oni big bro, who is he talking about!?

Omi: So you came again huh. Geez, I told you to stop it with this nickname right?

Child: It's fine right! Let's play already! Foureyes you play with us too!

Sakyo: I told you, don't call me foureyes! For god's sake, this damn brat…

Juza: ….branding Sakyo-san as foureyes huh.

Banri: That brat, does he know no fear?

<< Previous Part

Translation Notes:

  • The title is from the Japanese proverb "even an Oni can break his horn" (鬼も角折る), which means that even bad people may change.
  • Oni is a Japanese Demon. I choose to leave it as "Oni" because it is also an intended pun on Omi's name.

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