
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

R Omi Backstage Laughing Demon Translation Part 1/2

Even and Oni's Child can Break His Horn

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

*Others: a priest, a child

Omi: Director, is the shopping over with this?

Izumi: Yeah! Thanks for today. Thanks to Omi-kun we bought many special sale items!

Omi: Haha, that’s good.


Izumi: Ah, this route--.

Omi: Is something wrong?

Izumi: When I passed near here with a friend, they told me there's a shine at the end of this route.

Omi: Heh, so there's a shrine in a place like that.

Omi: Since we are here, want to go there? We can pray for the success of our next performance.

Izumi: Praying for success, sounds good!

Omi: Alright, then let's go.


Omi: It's a pretty old shrine.

Izumi: Seems you can pray over there.

Omi: Oh, you're right. Let's hurry and go there.


Izumi: (I wish the next performance will be successful!)

Omi: Haha, you're really into it.

Izumi: It is praying for success after all.

Priest: Hey, wait!

Child: Who would wait stuuupid !

Omi: Seems to be noisy over there.

Priest: Getting in the way of cleaning, don't come complaining if you receive devine punishment!

Child: As if I would get one! Bleh!

Priest: …Huuh. Geez, so I have to start all over again…

Omi: Excuse me, are you alright?

Priest: Yeah, sorry… showing you something unsightly.

Izumi: No, please don't mine it. More importantly, that kid--.

Priest: …this kid is always like that. He comes to the shrine and does nothing but mischief, it's really troubling. I have to prepare for the festival, but the preparations aren't advancing anywhere…


Izumi: Omi-kun.

Omi: Yeah.

Priest: ?

Izumi: --Excuse me, Priest.

Omi: If you're okay with us we will help you.

Translation Notes:

  • The title is from the Japanese proverb "even an Oni can break his horn" (鬼も角折る), which means that even bad people may change.
  • Oni is a Japanese Demon. I choose to leave it as "Oni" because it is also an intended pun on Omi's name.

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