
Friday, June 25, 2021

SR Lilia Groom For A Day Translation Part 2/2

I Would Look Perfectly Stylish

Part 1 / Part 2


Exterior Hallway

A few hours after the school was freed from the ghosts

Sebek: I'm terribly sorry for keeping you waiting, Lilia-sama!

Sebek: We successfully removed all the "wedding ceremony" decorations from the cafeteria, and reverted the room to its original state.

Lilia: I see, good job Sebek.

Lilia: …Hm? Someone is approaching us. Kalim, Jamil, and also Silver?

Lilia: And behind them is…

Malleus: Lilia. Sebek. I see you dealt with that troublesome matter.

Lilia: If it isn't Malleus. What are you all doing here.

Jamil: Well… we just heard from our Dorm members that "Operation Propose" was a hard battle from beginning to end.

Jamil: Kalim said "I'm gonna make sure everyone is fine!" and started running around.

Kalim: I calmed down now that I saw no one got hurt!

Silver: We came to pick Lilia-senpai and Sebek up. Malleus-sama suggested it, saying you must be tired.

Malleus: It all partly happened because you went to the bride in my place. I'm grateful for your sacrifice.

Sebek: Oh… Oooh! Thank you for such kind words!!!

: Ah, by the way, we've just run into Rook and the others.

Kalim: They were wearing super cool tuxedos. Did you two wear such clothes too?

Lilia: No. The only one who wore tuxedos was Rook's group, who came as reinforcement.

Kalim: I see, that's a shame. I wanted to see you two in tuxedos too.

Sebek: Never mind me. But wanting Lilia-sama to wear beautiful clothing, I agree with you on that, human!

: Hmm. Now that you said that I feel slightly frustrated…

Lilia: It is a shame I cannot show you my special, elegant and cute groom look.

Silver: …I can't quite imagine Lilia-senpai in a tuxedo.

: Kufufu. I'm sure I would look perfectly stylish in it.

Malleus: Then you should just change into one right now. I can create clothes with magic.

Sebek, Kalim, Silver: Eh!

Lilia: What happened, Malleus. Are you that eager to see my groom looks!?

Malleus: It’s not that.

Malleus: You looked very interested in it, Lilia, so I assumed I could do it for you as thanks for today.

: So you can make clothes with magic. You really are amazing Malleus!

Malleus: Though it is a fake that would disappear with time.

Lilia: Still, I'm happy. If it's your way of showing gratitude, I shall gladly accept.

Malleus: Sure. Saying that, I must form a precise image of it before I make it.

Malleus: Let's decide on color first.

Sebek: Malleus-sama!! How about navy blue?

Sebek: Lilia-sama is a being of the night. I am certain a color akin to the night sky would fit perfectly.

Kalim: Hmm, blue is nice too… but isn’t it too dark? While we're at it we should be flashy!

Kalim: How about red, to match Lilia's eyes?

Sebek: What!? You understand nothing of Lilia-sama!!!!

Silver: No. Lilia-sama's eyes are indeed memorable. I think red would fit him.

Sebek: No, I endorse blue!

Silver: Red.

Sebek: Blue!!

Silver: Red.

Kalim: I didn't mean for you two to start fighting…!

Lilia: Everyone is getting so passionate for me. Such cute and honest children!

Lilia: Let us hear your opinion, Jamil, you've been really quiet for a while now.

Jamil: That's difficult… any color would fit you well after all, Lilia-senpai.

Jamil: (Why did it turn into this? Any color would do, I just want to hurry up and go back to the Dorm)

Malleus: …at this rate we won't make any progress. Lilia, what color do you wish for?

: Let’s see~. Now I feel like…

Lilia: Wearing green!

Malleus: Fufu, so you chose green. Just like the flames of the Witch of Thorns. Not bad. Then we will go with that.

Jamil: So you picked neither blue nor red…

Kalim: Well, it's for the best that Lilia wears the color he likes.

Kalim: Ah! Thinking of which there's an accessory that would fit Lilia in the Scarabia Dorm storage room.

Kalim: I'll go fetch it real quick!

Jamil: H-Hey Kalim! Wait!

Lilia: ...An accessory that fits me. I wonder what that might be.

Malleus: Let us gather all the design details until Asim returns…


Kalim: Heeey!

Lilia: Oh, you're back, Kalim and Jamil.

Kalim: Sorry for the wait, Lilia! Please take this!

Lilia: Oh… An Albert chain with a bat design, it's perfect for me.

Malleus: It has a dazzling and eye-catching elegance to it. It would become an important component of the design.

Malleus: I shall make the buttons and tie flashy in accordance with this accessory…

Malleus: ……Alright, I have the image in my mind. Are you ready, Lilia?

Lilia: Indeed!

Lilia: Oooh!

Kalim: Awesome~~~! Lilia's clothes are changing before my eyes!

Lilia: Hoho, such a splendid spell! You sure sharpened your skills, Malleus.

Malleus: My my… your habit of treating me like a kid just won’t disappear.

Malleus: …Alright, that should do.

Lilia: …How is it? Did I become even more charming?

Sebek: It's… it's… it's wonderful Lilia-sama~~~!!!!

Silver: Yes…! It's like you're not yourself fathe-… Lilia-senpai.

Silver: The flower on your chest, the golden embroidery… and Lilia-senpai who wears them, are all very cool… is what I think.

Lilia: …Some grand praises coming from your inarticulate self. I'm very happy.

Kalim: You really look like a prince out of a story! It looks great, Lilia!

Lilia: Kufufu! And what else?

Malleus: You were correct for choosing green. It gives a calm, adult feeling.

Lilia: Kufufufu! I see!

Lilia: I will spin once, so you may have your fill of my prince-style from behind and sides.


Jamil: Aaah…!! L-Lilia-senpai! I think you should avoid rough movements.

Lilia: Hm? Why is that?

Jamil: That Albert chain Kalim gave you… Is worth more than ten million madolar.

Sebek & Silver: Wha!?

Lilia: Oh~. You sure gave me some expensive thing.

Jamil: Aaah. Please don’t poke it with your fingers and shake it like that…!

Lilia: Okay then, I had enough. You can undo the spell now, Malleus.

Kalim: Eh!? You look so good in it, but you're going to change already!?

Lilia: Yeah. I'm satisfied now.

Lilia: …A chance like this might not come around again. Make sure to burn my awesomeness into your eyes!

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