
Friday, March 5, 2021

SR Omi Thoughtful Gift Translation Part 2/2

A Reward for a Job Well Done

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Ah, isn't this the chocolate they showed in the magazine?

Omi: It is. The package really is fashionable.

Izumi: That brand over there is also a hot topic every year.

Omi: I see… no wonder there's a crowd forming there.

Omi: They're all so original, it's hard picking one.

Izumi: Fufu, that's why these fairs are so fun.

Izumi: Ah. By the way, there's one chocolate I'm curious about.

Omi: The one we saw on the magazine?

Izumi: Nope, I heard about it from a friend, seems like it's really popular with women now. …Ah, it's this one!

Staff: Would you like to taste it?

Izumi: Is that alright?

Staff: Here you go.

Izumi: …yup, it's delicious!

Omi: It melts in your mouth, and it's not too sweet so it's easy to eat.

Omi: Looks like it's popular with women too, so I'll go with this one.

Izumi: I think it's a good call! I'm sure they would love it.


Models: Good job everyone~!

Omi: Good job. It's not much, but have some of these if you want.

Model A: Wow, thank you so much!

Model B: Ah, this chocolate! I saw it on Instegram and wanted to try it.

Omi: Haha, I see. I'm glad to hear that.

Studio Senior: The refreshments were a great success. Thank you for choosing something good for us.

Omi: Not at all. I also received advice, I didn’t do anything that deserves thanks…

Studio Senior
: Just accept the thanks.

Studio Senior
: Oh right. Speaking of thanks, how about you take the oranges we used today?

: Is that alright? Those oranges are quite high quality.

Studio Senior: It's all good. You worked the hardest today after all. Take as much as you like. You can take all of them for all I care.

Omi: Thank you so much.


Omi: I'm home.

Izumi: Welcome home… hey, what's up with all those oranges!?

Omi: I took everything we used in the shooting today.

Izumi: Heh… so they let you take this kinda things.

Omi: Well, it's not always like this though… and I received the oranges thanks to you, Director.

Izumi: Eh, how come?

Omi: The models really liked the chocolates we chose.

Omi: My senior was grateful for it too, and he told me to take the oranges.

Izumi: I see.

Izumi: But I'm sure it's not just because of the refreshments, but also because you did a good job.

Omi: Haha. Well, my senior said something like that too.

Izumi: Fufu. I knew it.

CHOICE 1: What kind of shooting was that?

CHOICE 2: They smell great.

Izumi: In any case, seeing how we have so much, we can use them for cooking too.

Omi: Then how about I make some marmalade jam?

Izumi: Oh, sounds nice! Let's make it together sometime.

Izumi: And also… how about using some for curry?

Omi: Thought you would say that, Director. I'll look up recipes for a curry with oranges.

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