
Monday, July 20, 2020

Sebek Voice Lines (Twisted Wonderland)

Sebek Zigvolt Voice Lines

*Will be updated as more lines are added.


Lv UP 1: Have you seen my growth!?

Lv UP 2: Now I can flourish further!

Lv UP 3: Indeed, not bad.

Lv UP Max: I wonder, was I able to become a man the Young Mater would acknowledge? No, being conceited is no good. I will throw away all idle thoughts, and focus on my devotion. Le'ts go!

Episode Lv Up: To think that someone I regarded as a lowly human like you would become someone I can depend on. You always keep surprising me.

Magic Lv Up: This power… Young Master! Have you watched me? Oh… ugh, so that means this much is still not enough.

Limit Break: In order to become a worthy servant for the Young Master I will grow bigger, wiser and stronger!

Groovy: How refreshing! This truly feels great! Burn my great efforts into your brain!

Lesson 1: Human! I decided to take a class with you today. Which one will you choose? Hurry up and decide!

Lesson 2: What is with this worried expression? Precisely because you're bad at this subject you have to challenge it.

Lesson 3: Lilia-sama taught me that classes are part of training. I won't cut corners no matter the subject!

Lesson Start: Let's do our best today!

Lesson End: Knowledge shall become my flesh and blood! Let's strive next time too.

Battle Start: I'll swallow you whole.

Battle Win: This victory is for my King!

R School Uniform

Summon: Let's hurry to class! We're wasting time.

Groovy: I must teach you how you should act around your superiors.

Home Set: I do give attention to my appearance.

Home Idle 1: I was finally able to enroll in the same school as the Young Mater. I want to watch his greatness from as close as I can.

Home Idle 2: I'm hungry… the bread from the school shop doesn't make me full in the slightest. I want more meat.

Home Idle 3: I thought a practical club would be a good choice, so I entered the horseback riding club. Those who serve as knights must ride a horse.

Home Login: In order to make sure you're not imposing danger to the Young Master, I made up my mind to observe you today. Do not run away.

Home Tap 1: Setting my hair every morning is troublesome, but I can't appear sloppy in front of the Young Master.

Home Tap 2: Back in the Valley of Thrones the only acquaintance around my age was Silver. Friends…? As if someone like that is a friend!

Home Tap 3: Even the great Young Master is attending class. It's 1000 years too early for us to ditch!!

Home Tap 4: My voice is loud? What are you talking about, your voice is simply too small!!

Home Tap 5: Playing tag? I've graduated long ago from those childish games.

R Gym Uniform

Summon: No matter the game, there's no way I would lose. I'm training harder than anyone.

Groovy: I will tell you my special training menu. If you can keep up with me, that is.

Home Set: I will become your opponent.

Home Idle 1: In order to enhance yourself, you have to eat well, work well, sleep well! And enjoy yourself! …that is Lilia-sama's teaching.

Home Idle 2: I'm training my body so I can become the Young Master's shield and sword at any time.

Home Idle 3: Our next stamina training is a long-distance race. Short-distance running is my specialty but… no, a guard must have stamina.

Home Login: What is with this bent back of yours? It's sloppy! Stick your chest out and fix your posture!

Home Tap 1: Whenever I go to the horseback riding club, the horses get scared of me. It's not like I'm going to eat them, they're such timid fellows.

Home Tap 2: Since I'm lefthanded, I often have an advantage in sparring. I will offer the Young Master a victory using any means.

Home Tap 3: There's no meaning in training recklessly. What I need is the strength to protect the Young Master.

Home Tap 4: Don’t waste your breath, in order to train your body you need willpower, tenacity, effort!! That is all!

Home Tap 5: Play soccer with you? …very well. There is no way I would lose against a human.

SR Lab Coat

Summon: A messy attire points at a messy mind. I must not overlook a single wrinkle on my lab coat.

Groovy: Studying with me? Very well! Show me your true strength.

Home Set: No blind spots in class today either.

Home Idle 1: I will get the best score in the test this time. And I'll get the Young Mater to praise me….!

Home Idle 2: The greenhouse is the best. It's warm and moist, I can relax there.

Home Idle 3: I learned the material of that class in middle school. The Valley of Thrones is superior even in the education aspect.

Home Login: I don't mind giving you a hint for homework. It would be troublesome if you slow me down in the joined class.

Home Login Groovy: You look tired! I'll teach you a trick to maintain your concentration.

Home Tap 1: I'm good at solving math and chemistry formulas. But superficial cleverness means nothing in front of the Young Master. Hmph.

Home Tap 2: You don't happen to have a potion that reduces drowsiness? I want to give Silver a bucket worth of it.

Home Tap 3: This a drink I received from Lilia-sama. Seems like it's a superb drink that allows intaking meat, fish, vegetables and fruits at the same time!

Home Tap 4: I'm bad at arts that don't have a clear answer. Disciplines with a definite answer suit me better.

Home Tap 5: Stop pulling my clothes! I can't show myself in front of the Young Master in a disgraceful appearance!

Home Tap Groovy: Would you tell me your recommended book? I will try reading it tonight.

SR Summoning Robes

Summon: There's no way the Young Master would be concerned about a petty thing like a school gathering.

Groovy: Hmph. I guess you look somewhat appropriate.

Home Set: I don't want to see the Young Master's cloudy face, but…

Home Idle 1: There is no way I would get nervous by something like a school event. The festivals in the Valley of Thrones are much more solemn.

Home Idle 2: Have you seen the Young Master? I can't contact him for a while now. Can it be that, again…

Home Idle 3: A ceremony without the Young Master has no worth. They better just cancel it.

Home Login: Young Master!!!! When on earth is he… perfect timing! Search for the Young Master together with me!

Home Idle Groovy: Grim has been making a riot again. Geez, such shocking gluttony. What? Don't look at me like that!

Home Tap 1: The year prior to my enrolment, I didn't miss any training even though I was alone. Because I believed I could get into this school as well.

Home Tap 2: No matter how careful I am, Lilia-sama surprises me from behind. Here, see, he's behind you.

Home Tap 3: I think I've grown taller again recently. Someday even those robes might be too small for me.

Home Tap 4: How is it, do I look weird? I wonder if I can appear in front of the Young Mater like this. …hey, are you listening to me?

Home Tap 5: Stop murmuring. If you want to say something, say it in a loud and clear voice!!!

Home Tap Groovy: The Young Master's thoughts are too magnificent, I often can't understand them. That is precisely why I admire him.

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