
Sunday, November 10, 2019

SR Omi Backstage Our God of Defence Translation Part 1/2

MANKAI! Soccer Tournament

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: (And with this the meeting is done for today…)

Omi: ….

Izumi: Hm? Omi-kun?

Omi: Ah, Director. On your way back from the meeting?

Izumi: Yup. And you're on your way back from college Omi-kun?

Omi: Yeah, I was playing futsal with some friends from college.

Izumi: I see, the next play is about soccer after all.

Omi: I haven't been exercising much lately, it was a good opportunity to get myself in business again.

Omi: I'm also trying to touch a ball as much as possible between acting practices.

Izumi: Speaking of which I did see Tsuzuru-kun and the others lifting a ball in the courtyard.


Izumi: We're home.

Azami: Alright, it's in!

Kumon: Amazing! That goal just now was super cool!

You're all watching soccer?

Omi: Oh right, there was an international match today.

Kazunari: The first half ended this very sec!

Tsuzuru: They scored a point just before the first half ended.

Tasuku: Don't worry, I'm recording this match so you can just watch the first half later.

Omi: That's great, thank you so much.

Omi: Alright, I'll make some light treats while it's halftime then.

Izumi: Ah, I'll help you too.

Kumon: Yay! I want to eat fried chicken!

Azami: No, you can't make that in 15 minutes.



Tasuku: Alright!

Woohoo! We won big time!

 Scoring right before the end of the first half was a huge help.

Omi: The defense played well too.

Tsuzuru: I hope they continue to win in the next matches as well.

Kazunari: Our next performance is about soccer so like, it gets you super motivated right!?

Izumi: Speaking of which, it's our first sports themed performance since First Crush Baseball.

Omi: We held a baseball tournament too.

Tasuku: Now that you mention it, we really did.

Kazunari: Kumopi was the MVP y'know!

Kumon: It was so fun playing baseball with everyone~!

Azami: There were too many people though.

Kumon: I know! How 'bout this time we--.


…and that's why, we will be starting the first MANKAI Company soccer tournament!

What do you mean that’s why.

Kumon: Geez, we talked about it yesterday right~.

Kumon: We held a baseball tournament for First Crush Baseball, so now we're having a soccer match~! That’s the plan!

Kazunari: Yay! This plan is lit~!

As you can see, Tasuku-san is really into it too.

Citron: Tasuku in high limits!

We didn’t get to play soccer with 11 members in a while.

Izumi: Yuki-kun and Azuma-san are the referees right.

Yuki: Obviously.

Azuma: I don't really want to be out in the sun.

Sakuya: The teams are going to be Spring-Winter and Summer-Autumn right.

Each team gets to have two soccer club members with this arrangement, so I think it's perfect.

Taichi: With Omi-kun as a goalkeeper we're unbeatable!

Misumi: Omi, do your best!

Omi: Haha, I will.

Itaru: Real talk now, why am I the goalkeeper…?

Tasuku: You don't have to run, not to mention move too much this way right.

Itaru: ….

Itaru: …well, I really don't feel like running on this big field, so I guess it works.

Azuma: Let's see… the coin says tails, so Spring-Winter team is the first on offence.

Yuki: Are you ready? Then, start!

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