
Friday, October 19, 2018

SSR Omi Backstage Bold Hidden Flavor Translation Part 1/3

Mad Wolf Wins Effortlessly

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Hmm….

Omi: Director, what's wrong? You've been groaning for a while now.

Izumi: Ah, sorry about that. I just can't decide about the staging for the play…

Omi: But you haven't been making any progress for a while now right. I'm about to make lunch now, so how about you take a break?

Izumi: Hmm… I think I'll do just that. What are you making today?

Omi: Pad gaprao. I thought about making a soup too.

Izumi: An Asian dish for a change! Sounds delicious!

Omi: I'll make it right away, so take it easy.


Izumi: It was so good! Thank you for the food. Looks like now I can continue to try hard.

Omi: Ah, wait a moment. I have one more dish.

Izumi: One more dish…?


Omi: Sorry for keeping you waiting. For a dessert, there's a special custard pudding.

Izumi: It looks so good…! Did you make it Omi-kun!?

Omi: Yeah, I left it in the refrigerator since last night to chill. I thought about serving it as a dessert for dinner today but…

Omi: When you're tired, sweet things are the best right?

Izumi: Thank you! Then I'll eat it right away.

Izumi: …hm, it's delicious! It melts in my mouth!

Omi: Haha, I'm happy to hear that. I know you're having a tough time, but don’t work too hard.

Taichi: We’re home!

Tenma: We're back.

Omi: Oh, O High squad is back home together.

Taichi: Hm!? Don’t you smell something sweet!?

Juza: --!

Izumi: Ah, it must be this. Omi-kun made some pudding.

Tenma: As expected from a dog, you have a great nose.

Taichi: I'm not a dog!

Omi: If you guys want to eat too, I'll bring some for you.

Taichi: Yaaay! Of course I'll have some!

Juza: …yeah.


Taichi: I see, ideas for staging huh…

Tenma: Hmm, it's not the time to be carefree and eat pudding.

Izumi: I'm in the middle of looking for ideas, while eating pudding.

Juza: Are you really going to be okay.

Tenma: One of the directors I know said that when you're out of ideas, first you have to stop thinking.

Izumi: Stop thinking?

Tenma: Meaning, doing something else for a change of mood.

Tenma: When you're doing a completely different thing, seems like strangely, new ideas come to you easily.

Izumi: I see… you have a point.

Taichi: Then, how about we play cards while we're at it!? I brought them to school, so they're in my bag right now--

Taichi: Here! They're right here!

Juza: It seems to be just fine for a small breather.

Omi: I guess it's fine once in a while. You might come up with something while we're having fun.

Izumi: Hmm… guess you're right! Okay, just for a bit then.


Izumi: Alright! I'm done!

Taichi: Director-sensei, you're third!

Tenma: Now only Juza-san and Omi-san are left.

Taichi: Which means, Omi-kun has two cards, so he has the joker right.

Izumi: If the next card Juza chooses is not the joker, he wins.

Juza: ……

Omi: Don't hold back… choose whichever you like.

Juza: …'kay.

Taichi: …somehow I'm starting to get nervous too.


Omi: Ah.

Juza: --!

Omi: Ah, sorry about that. I just wondered if you're really okay with choosing this card.

Juza: …..

is he trying to fluster him…?

Taichi: A mental battle against Omi-kun, I don’t think I could win!

Omi: Sorry. I won’t say anything anymore. You just choose whichever you like Juza.

Juza: …then, I'll go for this one.

Omi: Alright.

Juza: …actually, this one.

Omi: Ah…. I see.

Taichi: No no, what about your poker face!?

Tenma: It's possible that this is a strategy.

Izumi: Omi-kun, what a tactician…

Juza: …I'll go for this one.

Taichi: Ah, he took it…!

Juza: --!

Izumi: Was it the joker?

Juza: …no, I won.

Taichi: Eeh!? Which means, when Omi-kun made a sad face, it was actually the joker!?

Tenma: I wonder if it was his strategy?

Omi: Hm? What strategy?

Izumi: …nope, they were his genuine emotions.

Taichi: Nothing less from Omi-kun…! The embodiment of kindness! A man among men!

Omi: What happened to you guys?

Taichi: Well, I already knew Omi-kun was kind! Alright then, let's play another game next~!

Omi: Then, since I've lost, I will deal the cards.


Izumi: (In the end I didn’t make any progress…! Well, I guess I had it coming but… I have to get it done before midnight!)

Izumi: Omi-kun, thank you for the food! Then, I'll go back to my room!

Omi: Yeah, don't be too hard on yourself.

Taichi: Director-sensei, you're leaving already!? Let's continue with the cards!

Izumi: If I take too many breaks, I'm never going to make it on time.

Tsuzuru: If you need any help with ideas, don't hesitate to ask.

Izumi: Yeah, if I really am stuck I'll ask you!

Tsuzuru: I wonder if Director is really okay.

Omi: …I hope she doesn't work too hard.


Izumi: Hhmmm… just a little bit more…! It's midnight soon and yet…

Izumi: (Indeed, if I get panicked I can't come up with anything…)

Izumi: …maybe I'll take a breather and go for a walk.


Izumi: Huh~ the night wind feels so good…! Maybe I'll get some coffee from the store too.

???: Hey, missy.


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