
Thursday, October 4, 2018

SSR Juza Backstage Sweet☆Trick Translation Part 1/3

Challenge It! Fake Sweets Making

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

 Characters appearing: 


Kazunari: Here heeere! Your attention here y'all! This year too we're having a Halloween party ♪

Chikage: So it's not only the Veludo Way Halloween.

Sakuya: Last year too we had an in-dorms party in addition to the Veludo Way event.

Kumon: Heh! Sounds like fun!

Kazunari: Obviously, I'm in charge of decorating! And Omimi is in charge of cooking!

Omi: I'll be in your care.

Kazunari: Awrighty, then I'm going to announce everyone's roles!

Kazunari: Kumopi and Sumii are in the decoration squad with me~ and Hyodol and Settsuer, you two assemble those decorations please!

Banri: Why do I have to work with this guy. If I work with this clumsy bastard Halloween would be done for.

Juza: That's my line.

Banri: Aaahh?

Sakyo: Shut it! Stop complaining and do it already!

Banri: …tch.

Juza: …'kay.

Tsumugi: We're in charge of flower decorations.

Homare: Indeed. Working while being surrounded by flowers, I feel like a wonderful inspiration might fall upon me… ha! It is here!

Azuma: Fufu, don't forget to give us a hand yes?

Kazunari: If there's something you don’t get just ask me! Then, let's start preparing for the party!


Kumon: Kazu-san! I brought the garland you talked about!

Kazunari: Nice Kumopi! Then please hang it there~!

Misumi: Kazu, can I decorate with this triangular pumpkin too?

Kazunari: Of coursey! Ah, leave it there~.

Misumi: Okaaay!

Masumi: Director, I'll help you with that too.

Yuki: There he is, Psycho Stalker. You were not assigned to this area right.

Masumi: It's okay. We've already finished over there.

Izumi: Eh!? You've finished already!?

Yuki: …then what's up with That.


Taichi: Masumi-kuuun! Where are you!? We still haven’t finished decorating!


Masumi: …..

Izumi: …Masumi-kun, go back to your assigned role okay.

Banri: Awright, it's ready~. Oi Hyodo, next.

Juza: …..

Banri: Oi, you listening? …wait, you're not done yet?

Juza: …..

Banri: What you looking at…?


Muku: Omi-san, the pumpkin for the pudding has boiled!

Omi: Alright, looking good. Then, can you put this pumpkin in the mixer?

Muku: Yes!


Banri: So this is the cause…!

Banri: Oi, stop glancing over at Omi's direction! You concentrate on your job here!

Juza: Aaah? You're the one who gets in the way of one's work.

Sakyo: Quiet! If you're gonna fight do it outside!

Kazunari: Hm? You two are gonna go out? Then buy us some more decorations while you're at it~.

Banri: No, we didn’t say we're going… rather, there's no way I'm gonna shop with this guy!

Juza: 'kay. If Kazunari-san needs them.

Banri: You're going!?

Izumi: Ah, wait Juza-kun! I also have something I want to buy so let's go together!

Kazunari: Then Hyodol and Director-chan, I leave it to you!

Izumi: Yup!

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