
Sunday, April 22, 2018

R Juza Backstage DEAD/UNDEAD Translation Part 1/2

Be Useful! Information Corner

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Banri: …hm? There're lots of stuff written on the whiteboard. Is that someone's plans?

Omi: Aah, that.

Banri: "Information Corner"?

Banri: "The manjus in Sweets Tendou are half the price starting the 15th" … "In Sweets CafĂ© Hinata a selling of limited seasonal candies is starting" …

Banri: Huh? The hell is that.

Omi: Haha, seems like Juza made it as part of his preparations for his role as an informant.

Banri: No, he's the only who would be happy with this kinda info.

Banri: Oi Hyodo! Don't go around spreading stupid info! If you're gonna write information then write something that would be useful for everyone.

Juza: Aaah?

Banri: Geez… huh, I'm going out.

Omi: Yeah, have a safe trip.

Juza: …useful information huh…

Omi: Indeed, everyone might be happy if there's information that can be used on daily basis.

Izumi: Hm? What are you two doing in front of the whiteboard?

Omi: Yeah, the truth is--.


Izumi: I see, so that what it was about. It is true that if there're all kinds of information, it would be more informant-like.

Juza: But, I dunno what I should write.

Omi: Let's see, if we're talking about daily information, something like the weather?

Izumi: True, I might be glad if I can check it quickly.

Izumi: Ah, I know! Something like what curry there is for dinner today!

Juza: …so it's only for the curry.

Omi: Hmm, when you actually try to write it, you can't really come up with something.

Kazunari: I'm home~. Phew~.

Izumi: Ah, Kazunari-kun, welcome back.

Kazunari: Hear me out here~! The train was late today y'know, I was this close to be late to my lesson this morning, sure was a close call~.

Kazunari: I ended up running like crazy from the station~.

Juza: Train delays…

Izumi: That's it!

Kazunari: Eh?


Juza: …something like this?

Izumi: Yup! It looks good doesn’t it. You can tell right away which line is going to be late.

Juza: Thank you for showing me this easy to use smartphone site that shows train delays info.

Izumi: You're welcome. Looks like if you go on collecting information, it would get you closer to the role of an informant.

Juza: Yeah. Then I'll be going to school too.

Izumi: Okaay, have a nice day!

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