
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

SSR Omi Backstage Gather Chocoholics Translation Part 3/3

Giant Line ★ Omi's Valentine Wagon

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Female customer D: Er, excuse me…

Omi: Yes, are you looking for something?

Female customer D: Like the previous customer I too want to confess my feelings… can I get an advice, about which chocolate would be good?

Omi: No problem. Then first please tell me about the one you want to confess to…

Izumi: (He was asked for an advice again… since he would listen with warm care, everyone gets encouraged)



Izumi: …s-say, Omi-kun.

Omi: What's the matter, Director?

Izumi: In front of the wagon, there's a crazy line…!

Omi: Ohh, you're right! Why in the world…

Female customer E: Ah, here it is! The rumored magical love advice wagon!

Izumi: …!?

Izumi: U-Um, excuse me! About this rumor, can you tell me more details about it?

Female customer F: There's a rumor that if you get an advice and buy chocolate from the guy who works in this wagon your love will come true!

Female customer F: Here, it's been spread around on social media see.

Izumi: Y-You're right…

Omi: This post… I wonder if it's from the girl who got advice first?

Izumi: (E-Even though he just gave an advice, it's turning into a major incident…)

Female customer G: Excuse me, I want to get an advice too.

Female customer H: Me too me too~!

Izumi: Woah, the customers are coming closer and closer…!

Female customers: Please! Make my love come true!

Izumi: (….ah. The magic of love Owner talked about, can it be this…!?)

Izumi: A-Anyway, at this rate the road will get blocked! We have to deal with it fast!

Omi: Y-Yeah!


Izumi: I'm sorry, that was the last one! The selling for today has ended!

Women who stood in line: Eeh~!

Izumi: W-We'll be waiting for you to come again…!

Omi: …phew. You worked hard, Director.

Izumi: You too Omi-kun. Weren't you having a tough time giving advice all this time?

Omi: Not at all. I just listened to them.

CHOICE 1: Seems like everyone got encouraged

CHOICE 2: Thanks to you the sweets were sold out.

Omi: But there are so many people, who trouble over love…. I was surprised.

Izumi: Ahaha, that surprised me too. I'm sure that everyone, just wanted someone to push them forward.

Omi: …Director, do you also have a love you want to make true?

Izumi: Me? Hmm… right now I'm busy with the theater, so I've never thought about it.

Omi: …I see.

Omi: Well, if Director fell in love, me and the other members from the Company would get jealous. I'm relieved.

Izumi: Ahaha, stop joking~. Unfortunately, right now I'm devoted to theater!

Omi: Haha, that's good. We still need you to stay our Director.

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