
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

SSR Omi Backstage Gather Chocoholics Translation Part 1/3

Giant Line ★ Omi's Valentine Wagon

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Omi: What to do…

Izumi: Omi-kun? Your face looks troubled, what happened?

Omi: …the truth is, I was asked to help an acquaintance who owns a sweets store.

Omi: Seems like they want a salesperson for a wagon that's going to be in front of their store as part of a Valentine fare.

Izumi: Heh, sounds fun!

Omi: Yeah, that's what I thought when I accepted the offer but… when thinking about it, I became a bit worried.

Izumi: (Can it be, he's worried whether he can be a good salesperson or not…?)

Izumi: It's alright! If Omi-kun is the one selling, you'll be sold out in moments!

Omi: No, that's not it… I wonder if it's going to be alright, me standing next to a limited Valentine wagon.

Izumi: ?

Omi: The customers coming for Valentine's Day, are mostly girls right. With a stern man standing there, wouldn’t it be difficult for them to buy?

Izumi: Ah… true, there might be some who would feel awkward.

Omi: That's what I thought.

Izumi: Ah, in that case, how about I give a hand?

Omi: Is that alright?

Izumi: Of course! So, what day should I come to help?

Omi: Sunday of this weekend.

Izumi: I have nothing planned for that day, so it's okay! Then, I'll be in your care on Sunday.

Omi: You're a great help.


Izumi: (Alright, I'll do my best today, as a sweets salesperson!)

Izumi: Sorry for keeping you waiting Omi-kun!

Omi: It's good, let's go then. I'll be in your care today, Director.

Izumi: Same here. Let's work hard together.


Izumi: Speaking of which, what kind of person is your acquaintance Omi-kun?

Omi: Hmmm… I'll just say, you'll get it when you see them.

Izumi: Eh, if you tell me something like that I'll get even more curious!

Omi: Haha. Well, see it as something to look forward to until we get there.

Izumi: (I'm really curious…)

Omi: I'm really indebted to this person, so I want to make a big sell and make them happy.

Izumi: I see. Then, we have to do our best so many customers will come!

Omi: You said it. Well, if you're with me Director it's going to be fine.


Omi: Well then, we should be seeing the store soon…

???: …-chan!

Izumi: …? Omi-kun, just now, did you hear something?

Omi: Eh? Really?

???: O~mi~chaaan!

Izumi: I can definitely hear it! A deep voice saying "omichan"… hm?

Izumi: …Omi-chan…?

Omi: Ah, can it be…

Owner: Over here! I've been waiting for you~ Omi-chaaan ♪

Izumi: !?

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