Thursday, December 28, 2017

SSR Juza Backstage Chilling Out at Home Translation Part 3/3

New Year's Eve at the Hyodos 

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3

Characters appearing:

Others: Kumon

Muku: Ah! A Lime from Director!

Juza: I got one too.

Kumon: Director? From the theater?

Muku: Yup!

Juza: You met her the other day too right.

Kumon: That person! The Director, what did she say?

Muku: "Happy new year, I'll be in your care this year too"! I have to write her back too.

Muku: Let's see…

Juza: ….

Kumon: …hm? Nii-chan, something happened?

Juza: No….

Juza: …my bad, I'm gonna leave for a bit.


Izumi: "Hello? Juza-kun?"

Juza: Ah… sorry for calling, at this hour.

Izumi: "It's fine. Did something happen?"

Juza: ….I saw it, your Lime.

Juza: I thought about it, but didn't know how I should reply… and when I noticed, I was calling you.

Izumi: "Ahaha, it's so like you Juza-kun"

Izumi: "Then, once again… happy new year"

Juza: Yeah, happy new year.

CHOICE 1: What were you up to?

CHOICE 2:Somehow it's refreshing

Juza: …listen, Director.

Juza: A year ago, I didn't even imagine I'll become a member of a theater.

Juza: If you said to the me of that time, that he'll perform at a theater, I think he wouldn’t believe it.

Juza: But, I joined Mankai Company, and was able to do lots of acting--.

Juza: I'm glad I met you, Director. Thank you.

Juza: This year too, I want to do all kinds of acting. I want to become better and better.

Izumi: "…yeah. I'm also looking forward to see Juza-kun's growth!"

Juza: Yeah.

Juza: …Director. Take care of me this year too.

Izumi: "Same here, I'll be in your care!"

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