
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SR Omi Backstage Premonition of Blooming Translation Part 2/2

The Stray Cat's Oracle

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Omi: Won't open you say, is that true? Is it locked?

Izumi: No, it's not.

Omi: Director, take Pochi for a bit. I'll try opening it.

Omi: --You're right… maybe the fitting is not good.

Izumi: Can it be, because I closed it in a hurry earlier…

Omi: No, this theatre is pretty old in the first place, so I think it might've happened anyway even without a trigger.

Izumi: Which means we… have been locked up?

Omi: Well, that is the right conclusion.

Izumi: No way…

Omi: We shouldn’t use force to open the door and break it, let's try calling someone.

Izumi: You're right, right away—sorry. My cell phone, it's on the wing of the stage…

Omi: It's alright. I'll call with mine.

Omi: …ah.

Izumi: What's wrong?

Omi: Sorry, my cell phone's battery is dead.

Izumi: No way, both of us!? Can it be, we won't ever be able to get out of here--.

Omi: Haha, the situation is not that grave.

Omi: If the both of us don't come back until night, the army corps of the starving will come looking for us desperately.

Izumi: Ah, that's probably right. Tsuzuru-kun said he'll be back late today too…

Omi: See. On top of it, no matter what happens if I'm here you're safe right?

CHOICE 1: You have a point

CHOICE 2: A death flag?

Omi: Anyway, I'm happy Director wasn't alone, in getting locked up.

Omi: Let's sit and wait, until help comes.

Izumi: Ah, Pochi has responded.

Omi: Our language, it might understand it.

Omi: Good kitty~, Pochi. Here, I'll give you a hug.

Omi: Wah, haha, hey. Don't scratch my face. It'll be a problem if it becomes a scar.

Izumi: …can it be, that scar too, is from being scratched by a cat?

Omi: Aaa… no, this one is…

Omi: From a long time ago, when I was on the edge.

Izumi: On the edge?

Omi: Well, like Banri and Juza.

Izumi: Aah… wait, eh? Is that so?

Omi: Yeah. –but, it's already in the past.

Omi: !?

Izumi: S-Something is…!?

Taichi: O-i! Director-sensei and Omi-kun are you there~!?

Omi: Taichi…?

Izumi: That scared me…!

Taichi: Director-sensei~? Omi-kun?

Omi: We're here, we're inside. We've been locked up.

Taichi: So you really are here~!

Banri: For real…

Taichi: I'll open it right away! Yo--!

Taichi: You two, are you alright!?

Izumi: Ah, it opened…

Omi: Seems like it was easier to open from outside.

Taichi: Waan, I was worried~!

Banri: You really were locked up… seriously.

Izumi: Both of you, thank you for coming for us. But, why did you know we were here?

Omi: Now that you say it that's true. Even if you looked for us, you got here fast.

Taichi: Hisoka-san, he heard the voice of a cat!

Izumi: Eh?

Omi: Voice of a cat…? Wait, this Pochi's?

Taichi: No, the voice of a cat that came to our garden!

Omi: Garden…?

Izumi: ???

Taichi: That cat told Hisoka-san--

Hisoka: "My cat pal, it's being locked up in the theater together with a girl and a boy from this house meow~"

Hisoka: Is what it's saying. Maybe you should go look for them.

Taichi: W-What does it mean.

Banri: More like, you can talk with cats…

Hisoka: Zzz-….

Taichi: Wait Hisoka-san! Please don't sleep~!

Taichi: And, when we came here, you really were locked up, we were surprised!

Banri: This is so occult.

Izumi: Hisoka-san… what on earth is he?

Omi: But, he's been a great help.

Banri: Anyway, what were you doing in a locked room.

Omi: You want to hear? I'll explain it to you in details.

Izumi: Eh!?

Banri: Hmmm… Omi, you're the man.

Taichi: W-What what!? You mean something happened!?

Omi: What do you think?

Izumi: Omi-kun!

Omi: Haha, I'm joking.

Banri: What, so boring~.

Omi: Haha, I wanted to tease you a little.

Taichi: When Omi-kun says it it doesn’t sound like a joke~!

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