
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

SR Omi Backstage Appearance of a Man Translation Part 2/2

The Presence of a Beard

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters Appearing:

Others: Ryou

Omi: --Oh, Director. Over here.

Izumi: Sorry, did I keep you waiting?

Omi: No, I've just arrived here too. The lecture has dragged on a little so I was in a hurry, but looks like my timing was just good.

Izumi: That's good. …since a already tall person like you is growing a beard, Omi-kun you're, even more standing out.

Omi: Haha, is that so? It's useful when waiting to meet someone. Then, let's head to the supermarket.


Omi: Goods and vegetables... and the additional purchases of seasonings are settled with this. I wonder if we forgot to buy something.

Izumi: Yeah, it's fine. We also bought all the things everyone asked for.

Omi: Okay, so let's go. Ah, I'll take those bags too.

Izumi: This much is fine! Omi-kun you're already carrying enough.

Omi: It's fine, here. Director you carry only this.

Izumi: Y-Yeah, got it. Thank you.

Izumi: (Omi-kun's beard, I already got pretty much used to it, but as I thought he looks a bit older than usual.)


Izumi: Omi-kun, how is it with the beard? Did you get used to it?

Omi: Right, I think I got quite used to it. Seems like the guys from Mankai Company, got finally used to seeing it too.

Izumi: Ahaha.

Omi: I thought that with such a little beard nothing would change, but in the beginning it was uncomfortable a little after all.

Omi: I was startled by the feeling of my cheek when I rested it on my hand… I'm still, not completely used to it.

CHOICE 1: Your beard, it's cool

CHOICE 2: If everyone else grows a beard too…

???: Aaah! Omi-saaan!!!

Omi: Hm?

Izumi: Ah, Ryou-san! Hello.

Ryou: Hey!

Omi: Oh, what a coincidence.

Ryou: Yes! The next Autumn Troupe performance is soon right. Of course I too am going to watch it!

Ryou: I'll get tickets, and ask the guys from "Wolf" to come too!

Ryou: I'm already crazy excited-- ….!?

Omi: Eh-.

Ryou: O-Ooomi-san, this beard…

Omi: Ah, this. Our next performance has to do with chivalry, so it's for the role of a yakuza leader who is the enemy of the leading role…

Ryou: OOOOOO, O, Omi-san is a yakuza!?

Ryou: T-This is big! Anyway I have to make a call--.

Izumi: Eh!? Ryou-san, he suddenly pulled his phone and he's calling somewhere…

Ryou: Ah, hello!? It's me, Ryou!! Oi, all the ex-"Wolf" guys have to gather!

Ryou: Omi-san is establishing a yakuza group!! We have to support him with everything we have!!!

Izumi: Eeeeh!? He's having a terrible misunderstanding!?

Omi: O-Oi Ryou, calm down! This is only for a role, it's something that happens in the play!

Ryou: Yeah, he even grew a beard and he has crazy presence! Omi-san is serious! Come see right away!

Ryou: Yeah, us too like back then…! We will become Omi-san's bullets--.

Izumi: (H-He isn’t listening at all. Thinking of it this person has the same traits as Sakoda)

Omi: …aside from trying to forcefully clear his misunderstanding, seems like this beard brings all kind of troubles.

Omi: As I thought I should shave it, and go for the safe false beard…

Izumi: Yeah, this is for the best…

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