
Saturday, September 30, 2017

SR Muku Backstage Premonition of Blooming Translation Part 2/2

Hidden Path in the Morning

Part 1 / Part 2

Characters appearing:

Izumi: Hnm… hm, morning already? My watch… my watch…

Izumi: --!?!?


Izumi: Good morning!

Omi: Ah, good morning Director. You seem to be in a rush, can it be you overslep—

Muku: I'm late-!!

Tsumugi: Eh, you too Muku-kun. Both of you overslept?

Tsuzuru: That's why I told to go to bed already. It's because you stay up late doing puzzles…

Omi: Aah, so that's what happened. Here, a mixed juice.

Izumi: Thank you!

Muku: Um, I, remember completing the puzzle yesterday, but I don't remember me getting back to my room.

Izumi: Muku-kun, you fell asleep just like that, so I asked Kazunari-kun and got him to carry you.

Muku: Eeh, so that's what happened! Uwah, so embarrassing…!

Muku: Thank you very much! I have to thank Kazu-kun later too.

Tsumugi: Are you two okay with the time? Isn't it better if you leave soon?

Izumi: Aah, I have to go!

Omi: I made sandwiches so take one with you. Be careful!

Muku: I'm sorry, thank you so much!

Izumi: Thank you, I'm off!

Tsuzuru: Good grief.

Tsumugi: Hahaha, staying up late doing puzzles is charming so it's fine right.


Izumi: Will I make it in time for the next train? Anyway I have to hurry…

Muku: Director, over here!

Izumi: Eh, Muku-kun!?


Izumi: He, pulled my hand so I ended up following him but, where are we headed to…!?

Muku: This is a short way!

Izumi: S-Short way you say, it's not a way at all though…!?

Muku: It's alright! It's right here!

Izumi: (More like, Muku-kun is fast…!)


Izumi: Huff, huff… …ah, the road in front of the station?

Muku: Great, looks like you're going to make it in time for the next train.

Izumi: Amazing, it really was a short way…! That aside Muku-kun, you're really fast. You aren't even out of breath.

Muku: …my only specialty, is running…

Muku: Or was.

Izumi: …was?

Izumi: (Why past tense…)

Muku: --then, I'm going this way. Goodbye!

Izumi: Yeah. Be careful!

Muku: Director you too, be careful!


Izumi: I'm back.

Yuki: Welcome home.

Itaru: Welcome.

Muku: Welcome home, Director!

Izumi: Right, thank you for the morning Muku-kun. Thanks to Muku-kun I wasn’t late.

Muku: I'm happy! Me too, somehow I made it to homeroom.

Yuki: Aah, that thing about you two doing puzzles until late, then oversleeping?

Izumi: As I thought it's spreading in the dorms…

Itaru: Keep your all nighters to a minimum.

Yuki: If I were to hear that from someone else, you're the only one I absoluuutely wouldn't want to hear that from.

Itaru: Yesterday I participated in a quest, and was awake until 3am but I wasn't late.

Yuki: That's not something to brag about. You games addict.

Izumi: Hahaha… But Muku-kun, why did you know about such a path?

Muku: Ah, that's…

Muku: Um… cat…

Izumi: Cat?

Muku: …w-when I was looking for a path that connects to the world of cats, I found it!

Yuki: ….huh?

Izumi: The world of, cats…

Muku: I saw it in a manga the other day, and I thought it would be nice if it existed… and then, err…

Yuki: Stupid Muku. There's no way something like that exists.

Itaru: I feel you. I also want to live in the world of games.

Yuki: You shut up.

Yuki: Geez, Muku, you're dreaming too much.

Muku: Y-You're right. There's no way it exists, right…?

Izumi: (Uhh, Muku-kun's innocent eyes are too bright…!)

Izumi: (But, if Muku-kun believes in it so strongly, it's possible that, a world like the one in the puzzle…)

Izumi: …might…. exist.

Muku: !

Muku: I'm, going to try and look for it a bit more!

Izumi: …..

Itaru: …..

Yuki: Take responsibility for that.

Izumi: (What should I do…)

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